Tuesday, May 15, 2012

You weren't meant to go through life alone!

God designed you to do life with other people... to be encouraged by eachother, to spur one another on, to lift eachother up, to have a shoulder to cry on, to be completely real with, to laugh with--or at :)

What relationships do you have in your life? Who are you allowing to speak into you? Whose life are you speaking into?

It's been said that what you pour in is what you will pour out.... what are you getting filled up with? Negative, unhealthy relationships? or Positive relationships with people who are on the same journey with you and trying to reach a common goal?

Get plugged in... NOW! Now is the time to build relationships with people! You need them and they need you :)

Check out the Freedom Small Group catalog and jump into a Summer Small group... If you keep waiting for tomorrow to start, you'll have a whole bunch of today's piled up and tomorrow will never come. Jump in!


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