Friday, May 11, 2012

Am I Teachable?

I desire to be a life-long learner as well as a teacher. I hunger for information constantly and it is an appetite rarely satiated. There is more to it that just obtaining the information for me. I have to not only absorb it and use it to grow, but I also need to be passing knowledge on to others who will benefit from it. I believe this to be an important aspect to serving and leading in children’s ministry.
Here are just a few things I do to expand my thinking:
  • Bible, books, and blogs- I keep in the Word so that I can better teach the Word. I read various books on subjects ranging from leadership to leasson ideas. I keep up with what is happening around the children’s ministry community as well as other ministries by reading blogs on a regular basis.
  • Talk and tune in-I spend time outside of Sunday with kids and their parents. No better way to connect and hear what is relevant to the families we serve. I tune in to what shows are on television and what music is on the radio. I want to see what is competing for our kids’ attention.
How are you expanding your mind in ministry? How are you applying what you are learning? Are you using it to train others?

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