Friday, May 11, 2012

The Heartbeat of Children's Ministry

I believe that small group time (when we are split into smaller age groups) are the heartbeat of every children’s ministry worship experience. By no means am I saying that the other aspects of the service aren’t important. I am saying that small groups are where the intimate connections and conversations take place each week.
  • This is the time when a small group leader will talk more about the lesson and how it applies to life and the kids will chat more about it.
  • This is the time when a small group leader will model prayer and the kids will pray for their families and friends as well as each other.
  • This is the time when a small group leader encourages the kids to build relationships with God and others and the kids grow closer to both.
  • This is a time when a small group leader comes alongside parents and reinforces what they are teaching at home and the kids hear that additional voice speaking into their lives.
Small group time is such an important part of each week’s worship experience, and it requires a dedicated and committed volunteer to do it right. It is a time to listen to and love on the kids that we serve each week.

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