Friday, May 11, 2012

3 Things Every Children’s Ministry Needs To Do Well

Mission statement.
Just about every children’s ministry I know has some kind of purpose, vision, or mission statement. As I’ve looked at (and written) many over the years, I’ve noticed that there are some common themes that keep coming up in all of them. I think every children’s ministry wants (and needs) to embrace these three purposes:

1. Guiding children into meaningful worship of God
Each weekend is an opportunity to influence the hearts and minds of the next generation of Christ-followers. We’ve got to be careful that the weekend doesn’t become an end unto itself. We don’t want kids to confuse the program that happens on our campuses with what real worship is all about. That is an everyday, wherever-you-go love of God. I think that the more we look at the weekend as a launching pad for the rest of a child’s week, the healthier our ministries will become. Guiding kids into meaningful worship is all about doing whatever we can to spark an interest of Jesus in children and help families do something about it at home.
2. Helping children engage in meaningful relationships with their peers and a caring adult
No amount of cool games, eye-catching videos, or clever object lessons can take the place of real community. When kids can connect with each other and loving adult leaders in a safe and fun environment, it’s a win for everyone. I learned a long time ago that you can’t go wrong with this equation:
Children + Caring Adults + Christ = World Change
3. Nurturing children to discover a meaningful role in their relational world
Preparing kids to change their worlds for Christ is what children’s ministry is all about. Kids have talents and abilities that they can use now to help others and point them to Jesus. Kids aren’t just the future leaders of the church; they’re also the church of today. Our job isn’t done when kids know a lot of Bible stories and verses by the time they move into junior high. It’s when they bring the hope and love that we’ve shared with them into their everyday lives.

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