Friday, May 11, 2012

What's in your hand?

As a volunteer, it’s easy to look at what we bring to God’s service and think, “Wow. I don’t have much to offer.” There may be others serving around us who have amazing voices to lead worship, are gifted speakers with dynamic presence or creative designing artists. Often, in the light of comparison, what we have to offer God, may seem close to worthless. But God doesn’t need our stuff. He doesn’t need our gifts. He doesn’t need our abilities. Consider these examples in the Bible:
  • David had 5 rocks. When he stepped out in faith, God used them to kill a giant of a man who was taunting His people.
  • Moses had a stick. When he used it as God instructed him, the Red Sea parted and the entire nation of Israel walked across to their deliverance from Egypt.
  • Samson had a jawbone of a donkey. With God’s anointing on him, Samson used that jawbone to kill 1,000 men.
  • A bridegroom had 6 empty water pots. Jesus had them filled with water, then turned them into the best wine a wedding could offer.
  • A boy had his lunch. Jesus blessed it and fed over 5,000 people with it.

What’s important isn’t so much what we have, or what we don’t have. What is important is what we do with it. As volunteers, if we bring our gifts, talents, or even just our availability to fill a space or do a job in our own strength, then the result will be just that, limited to our own ability. But if we bring what we have to God, He will bless it, anoint it, and use it, to meet a need that only He can meet. None of the people in the Bible that we have to look to as examples knew what was going to happen. We know the end of the stories, we know how they will turn out because we can read the entire story. These people acted without knowing. They just took what they had, gave it to God, and watched Him do more than they ever could imagine doing.

What do you have?

Give it to God and watch what He can do!

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