Friday, May 11, 2012

Are you a good mechanic?

Recently I took our car in to have it’s annual safety inspection. I sat in the waiting area doing some ministry things and I began to think about auto mechanics. When you find a good auto mechanic, you stick with them. One’s that you’ve lost faith in and no longer trust, you leave behind. When we moved into the area a few years ago, we would ask people if they knew a good auto mechanic and who they used. We wanted to avoid costly errors early on.

That got me to thinking about the church and our ministry. Churches are not much different than an auto repair shop. Let’s look at some of the similarities:
  1. When people move to a new area, they ask others where to find a good one and where they go
  2. People won’t continue to go to a place that always find something wrong
  3. People won’t continue to go to a place that always asks for more money
  4. People go looking for someone they can trust
  5. Once they find a good one, they are committed to it and share it with others
  6. Once people are dissatisfied with the service, they complain and begin looking for a new one.
So, what kind of mechanic are you?

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