Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Are you Living the Purpose?

God clearly tells us that He has a PURPOSE for our lives. His Word says in Psalm 139:16 that our days were already ordained before even one of them came to be. God also directly speaks to us, declaring, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Within these truths that God has a plan for you lie the understanding that God must have a PURPOSE for you!

With that in mind, how can you more effectively live out God’s purpose for your life?

I am sure that since you are in ministry, God is the central focus of your ministry. Still, with all of the hurriedness and busyness of ministry, many times He is not the central focus of life. Fulfilling your purpose begins with your relationship with Him! Is God your primary focus of your life?

Your life has PURPOSE! Be challenged to fulfill your life’s purpose by cultivating your relationship with God. Then allow your relationship with God to overflow into your ministry. As you continue following God’s plan for your life, you will experience an inner joy in knowing that you are living within the “ORDAINED DAYS” God has established for you!

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