Friday, May 11, 2012

8 Truths about God that every child should learn

8 Truths About God That Every Child Should Learn
I was listening to Rick Warren’s latest sermon via podcast this morning. It is the first in a series called Raising Amazing Kids where he will be addressing the needs of our kids today. The first he shared about is their spiritual needs.

He said, “The most important task as a parent is to give a child a spiritual foundation. God created your child to know Him.” He said that there are 8 truths about God that every child should learn and they can all be found in The Lord’s Prayer.
1. God wants an intimate relationship with me.

“Our Father”
2. God’s name deserves my honor.
“hallowed be Your name”
3. God’s purpose for my life is part of a larger plan.
“Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”
4. God can meet all my needs.
“give us today our daily bread”
5. God forgives me so I can forgive others.
“forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”
6. God will help me do what’s right.
“lead us not into temptation”
7. God will protect me from evil.
“deliver us from evil”
8. There’s more to life than here and now.
“for Yours in the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever”

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