Monday, May 14, 2012

The Big Picture--object lesson

This is an object lesson or a group activity which will help explain that God sometimes has a different perspective than we do. Isaiah 55:9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
A fun activity you can use when talking about the will of God, the future, God's perspective....
Needed: A 24 piece puzzle.
Prepare: Number each piece on the back from 1-24.
Show: Randomly divide the pieces between the kids in the group, but instruct them to not show anyone else. It is important that they do not show anyone else their piece of the puzzle. Their job is to guess what the entire puzzle will be if all the pieces were put together. The only information they have is the small piece you have given them. After everyone has had a chance to guess, ask for piece #1 and place it in the center of the group. Then ask for the second piece and place it in its proper place. Continue placing the pieces in order. As you place more pieces, the bigger picture will become more evident, and many will be able to guess it before all pieces are in place. Eventually you will have all the pieces placed and the puzzle will be complete.
Teach: You can then discuss with the group that sometimes God does not let us see the whole picture like he does. Sometimes we can only see a little piece of our lives, and we need to trust him to take care of us and know that he has a special purpose for our lives, even if we can’t see it right now. Some of you don’t know what you will be when you grow up, but God does, because he knows everything, and he has a special plan for you. Ask the group if they have any idea what they want to be when they grow up. As they respond, ask them if that is what they want to be, or if that is what God wants them to be.

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