Friday, May 4, 2012

7 Things Parents Need You To Know

7 Things Parents Need You To Know

1. Know their names.

It’s said that the most important word to any of us is our own name. Knowing the names of your parents sets the stage for deeper relationship, which opens doors you could not otherwise open.

2. Know their kids’ names.

See #1, and know that parents watch how others interact with their children…and make judgments accordingly.

3. Know more about them than their check-in number.

Beyond their name, get to know the family behind the name. What happens outside the walls of your church greatly impacts what happens inside the walls.

4. Know how to equip them with easy ways to invest in the spiritual life of their child.

According to George Barna, most parents want to take responsibility for the spiritual life of their children, but many don’t know how. Help them.

5. Know how to challenge them to go deeper in taking responsibility for their child’s spiritual life.

Some parents may recognize their responsibility but are so caught up in life that it’s not a top priority – especially when the church so often accepts responsibility in their place. Truth is, we have no right and no ability to adequately assume the responsibility of a child’s spiritual formation.

6. Know how to engage them in service.

Parents are busy, tired, distracted and pulled in every different direction. But we need them to serve and it’s so beneficial to serve. Asking them to fill an open role isn’t going to go too far unless you engage them in a vision for what that role is all about, how it benefits them & their family, and why it’s every bit as important (or more) than anything else they’re being asked to do.

7. Know how to let them disengage from serving.

I was taught early in my ministry not to try & convince volunteers (often parents) to stay in a role when they ask to be released. That doesn’t mean I didn’t have a conversation & talk through the reasons why (which often exposed deficiencies in the way I was supporting them – things I could fix which resulted in them staying), but it does mean that, once they’d shared their reasons, I trusted them and what God was doing in them to make the best decision. Don’t be desperate with parents serving – sometimes there are more important things happening in their life and it’s best for them NOT to be serving right now.
There are so many more – what would you add?

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