Thursday, May 10, 2012

Let's talk Sabbath

Sabbath: a day of rest.
One of the questions I hear alot is “How in the world do you have a sabbath as a leader in children’s ministry?” Trying to fit in a day of rest when we have family, friends, work, and ministry requiring our time and attention each week can be a challenge.
But hear me say this…IT IS POSSIBLE. Not only is it possible…IT IS NECESSARY.

Everyone needs a day of rest. A day to relax. A day to recharge.
Here are three things I know to do:
  • Make the time – Rearrange your schedule. If there is something on your schedule every day of the week, change it. It may mean that one of your days is busier than normal, but it will be worth it to have a day of nothing on your schedule.
  • Guard the time – Be protective of your time of rest. Turn your phone off. Stay away from your computer. Don’t open your email. Say no to a meeting request for that day. Resist the urge to fill that day.
  • Use the time – This doesn’t mean you have to do something on your day of rest. This means sleep in, read a book, date your spouse, do something fun with your family.
There is a special rest waiting for the people of God.
Hebrews 4:9
What is your biggest struggle with having a Sabbath? What does your Sabbath look like?

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