Thursday, May 10, 2012


What we do should be based on principles in God’s Word. It’s easy to look at other ministries and want to copy their spaces, paint, murals, etc. But that’s not what matters. Look at your environments thru the eyes of those coming in.

Be Safe: Current example: installing security cameras in each room
Be Courteous: Consciously remember to be pleasant and polite
Be Engaging: Own what you do
Be Consistent: Don’t be Pastor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Environments are created by people, not foam trees. The ark of the covenant inspired people to worship. We can create an environment, specifically for the people we are reaching, that causes them to worship.
7 ways to make kids feel welcome:
  1. Talk to them the way they talk to you. (if they’re hyper, be hyper. If they’re shy, tone it down)
  2. Make fun of yourself
  3. Always stoop down to their level
  4. Bribe them
  5. Stay current on children’s culture
  6. Learn their name and their parent’s name
  7. Always talk to the kids first.

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