Monday, October 22, 2012

Tuesday with Tiff: Commitment with Flexibility

not flexibility with Commitment..

Something on my heart that I wanted to share :o)

"Showing Up--even when you don't feel like it..."

A story from a kidmin volunteer:

I didn't want to show up this last Sunday morning. We'd had a late night (getting to bed at 11 is late, right?). I almost texted my director that I wouldn't make it, but I didn't. Then I woke up in the morning and repeatedly hit the snooze alarm. I almost texted my director that I wouldn't make it, but again I didn't.

I drug myself out of bed finally, threw on clothes, and swung by Starbucks. The line was long but I didn't care. It'd be okay if I was a little late. And I was.

There were two teachers in the room already, surrounded by happy 2 year olds. They probably really didn't need me this morning, I complained inside. Then Carson ran up to me with a toy and his cowboy boots that lit up. A hug from this sweet little boy reminded me why I was there.

Against the window, Martha sat with a little guy sobbing in her lap. He'd been in our class two weeks ago and cried the entire time. I figured we were in for the same again. But he saw me and toddled over with a pacifier planted in his mouth and tears streaming down his face. He plopped down in my lap. I wrapped my arms around him and could feel his little heart beating out of his chest.

Either this stopped or we'd call his mom soon. So I took him out of the room (where we have floaters in the hallway). He wanted his mom and pointed to the parking lot because he thought she was out there. I walked him to the sanctuary to show him where his mom was. He calmed down. Until we came back and he realized I wasn't taking him to her.

We sat on a bench outside our room because when we went in, his heart pounded and he sobbed. Our director said it was okay to stay out because of our hallway floaters. One of them got us a few books so we read on the bench. And he continued to ask for his mom--but no more crying.

Soon a 3 year old joined us on the bench. He wanted his mom too. So I read to him.

Our sweet floater got coloring pages, crayons, and toys. So we set up a little classroom in the hallway. We read, played, colored, fretted, walked, and finally sang "Jesus Loves Me."

When the two moms came to pick up their sweet children, the boys were elated to leave. The older one happily showed his mom the page he'd colored, and my little one just clung to his mom.

I told her how we'd spent the hour (not mentioning that I'd checked the clock every 5 minutes!). I explained that he was making progress and we'd keep working on it. She was grateful and relieved.

Who knows what God wanted to do in these two moms' lives and hearts while we spent the morning in the hallway. Who knows what might not have happened if I'd given into my feelings and just stayed home that morning.

I'm so grateful I showed up to volunteer in our children's ministry that morning--for those two little boys and for their moms. God helped me see that my little acts of service really do matter and that I need to keep showing up even when I don't feel like it.

Let's commit to show up--even when we don't feel like it...

That's one of the great things I love about leading this ministry is that I want you to know that I and your leaders care for you and that's why we have flexibility in serving... we understand life happens and you wake up sick with a sinus infection, your kids have the flu or have kept you up all night, or you want to get away for a family vacation.

I'd love to see us have such a serving environment where you guys are the ones telling new interested incoming volunteers how much fun it is to serve, how there's lots of opportunities available, how you're loved on, how you get to make a difference each week.. but also how flexibile we are! How we understand life happens...

But in that, we need to remember that with that flexibility needs to be a level of commitment.. we are counting on you.. the kids are counting on you.. We serve with consistency each week because we want to be a stable relationship in these kids lives when sadly, there's not a lot of stability for the kids we serve. These kids come each week looking forward to see you.. to play with you.. to discover Jesus with you.. they are depending on you..

If we didn't serve because we were tired or fill in the blank, then none of us would ever serve...

One of our volunteers just said on facebook: "It's an honor to serve with people who know the meaning of sacrifice and commitment."    Serving isn't supposed to be easy or convenient.. We do what we want to do.. what have time for what we want to make time for..

So today, I want to encourage that we love you and appreciate all you do to serve. I value your time and your commitment that you give, when you're not getting paid.. when sometimes you wonder if there's any reward.. but I also want to challenge you to serve with excellence.. we're counting on you to not only be there, but to be there to be a blessing so you can be blessed...

If this Tuesday with Tiff post has led you to feel guilty---then let's chat... we don't want anyone to ever feel forced into serving or based on guilt.. you just may not be in the right area. This is to encourage you to spur you on.. to reignite a passion.. and continue well on the journey God has laid out for Freedom.

I love you all.. thank you! I leave you with this thought:

Some of the most amazing experiences in our lives are the result of us doing something that we didn't feel like.

Pastor Tiff

1 comment:

  1. Love Sunday and loving on those babies makes my whole week!
