Monday, October 15, 2012

How we represent ourselves

Hey Team!!!

I wanted to thank you all so much for abiding by our new dress code--of the GH shirt and bottoms below the knees!

In regards to Pastor Shane's message this Sunday, he mentioned about the way that we are on facebook and something (probably the Holy Spirit :o) ) stirred in my spirit that we should have a new social media code as well! :o)

He said that "Adding VALUE to someones life is the greatest use of Social Media." so I want to encourage us all to put things that build someone up and not tear others down... to put things that aim us towards encouragement instead of making people wonder if we got up on the wrong side of the bed... to be more concious of what we are putting on there---with our words and with our pictures. We don't want anyone to stumble and we want to represent Christ well.

Others are looking up to us... watching how we represent Christ, Freedom and the Greenhouse.. how we are as parents, spouses, friends, and role models..

We are friends with parents of GH kids on fb... we are friends with kids on fb... and we are friends with Freedom Church family who may be wanting to jump in and join a serving team and how we represent ourselves speaks life or death into the friends that we have.

Let's stay away from gossip, pictures that could cause someone else to stumble, and complaining... let's instead use Scripture, encouraging words, and represent the best of how God made us and how He is working in us.

I also encourage you to become BEST FRIENDS with the delete or unsubscribe buttons :) If you have friends on fb that aren't adding value to your life, I encourage you to hide those things.

It's been said that what we put in us is what will come out---so let's get filled up with goodness and remember that everything we put on fb is filling up someone else... either good or not so good!

So let's commit together to add value to someone's life to make the greatest use of social media!

Love you guys!

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