Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday with Tiff: From Pastor Tiffany's Heart: MY BABY!

After being gone 3 Sundays (one for KIDMIN CONFERENCE and the other 2 for VACATION) I don't think I could handle being gone anymore...

It's kind of like when you're a new mom... you have put so much attention, time and energy into caring for your baby. You love your baby and you would do anything for them. The baby is top priority... but even though you love that baby, you need some time away- a date night, a day with the girls, a shower in peace! You desperately need just a moment to yourself.

But it seems that not too long into your "break," you find that something is missing... your baby. You can't wait to get back to them.. to make sure they're ok..

That's where I am!

The Greenhouse is my baby! Just like new moms who God has planted that little seed in them to grow, God planted the seed in me to make this baby grow! I needed that conference to get rejuvenated so I can get the tools I need to help this baby on it's journey.

And all too often, I get my priorities out of order... where it should be GOD, FAMILY, MINISTRY, I end up switching it to MINISTRY, GOD, FAMILY.

I put everything I have into ministry that I put very little into my family... so I took 2 weeks for vacation... and boy was it amazing! To rest.... to get reconnected with my husband... to unplug.

But just like that time you're away from your baby... I was starting to get a little antsy... I couldn't take it anymore!  I just had to get back to my baby! To make sure everything and everyone is ok... to care for it... to continue it on this journey.

I want to thank you for allowing me to be gone for 3 weeks to get reconnected, rejuvenated and rested up so I could be ready to carry this to the next place God wants it to go! Thank you for taking care of OUR baby while I was gone...

I love and appreicate you all so much and it's an honor to raise up this "baby" together!

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