Tuesday, August 28, 2012

From Pastor Shane

Check out this blog post from PShane a while back :o)

Last week I was asked about my personal devotions. I always chuckle when I get that question because over the years, my “devotions” have changed quite a bit. I’m a lover of change and frankly find devotions in the traditional sense very boring. I suppose I’m alone in that thinking. Anyhow, I wanted something new and exciting when it came to my devotions and I found it in a book called: Life on Fire by Ronnie Floyd. In this book he talks about the traditional teaching that says: “Every morning you must get up and do your devotions”. Instead, he walked me through this thought process.

If you do not seek God EARLY, because you are not a morning person, at least make Him the FIRST part of your day. If not, apart from Him you can do NOTHING. Here’s the bottom line. I’ve developed a habit that is a combination of the two thoughts; early and first. Before my feet hit the ground, I usually begin talking with God and thanking Him for another day to be His witness. I then begin to walk through my day with Him and ask Him to help me see what He sees and respond the way He would have me respond. I look at my calendar and make sure I pray for those I will see that day and have influence over. Then, with a full heart, I begin my day.
Sure, sometimes I may be in the middle of a great book that is challenging me in my walk toward Christ, other times I feel the need to simply keep quiet and let Him reveal an idea or inspiration to me. There are times I feel an overwhelming desire to spend time in worship upon getting to the office so I will take an hour to play worship music and simply sit at His feet.
Make no mistake about it, the Bible is clear: (John 15:5) “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
Stay in relationship with the Vine, Jesus Christ. If you don’t seek Him early, at least make Him the first part of your day!
Pastor Shane

1 comment:

  1. LOOOOVE!!! I've been striving to do this every day! When I do it, it puts a whole different perspective on my day :D
