Saturday, August 11, 2012

Becoming the Safest Children's Ministry on the planet!

We have taken so many steps.. leaps and bounds really.. to make the Greenhouse the safest Children's Ministry on the planet!

And one of those ways is having the team become CPR and First Aid Certified. A big THANK YOU to Tonja Padgett for giving up 20+ hours of her time to get us trained!

Thank you so much to those who have stepped up to give up 4 hours of their time to get trained!!! It's great knowing that if there's an emergency, we'll have most, if not all, of the team ready to take care of a child or team member.

If you haven't become CPR and First Aid Certified yet, our last training for 2012 will be on:
September 8th from 8am-Noon at Witham Hospital (South Pavilion). It is $5 and that's for the cost of the certification card. We hope to see you there!

Also, this is open for any friends or family members that you may know that would need this, so spread the word.

And from the bottom of my heart, I am very proud of you all for doing this... to step up the safety of the Greenhouse. To keep these kids safe by running back ground checks, interviews, placing people in their sweet spot, knowing how to take care of an emergency, a check in/out system that protects kids---these are all things we're able to accomplish because of your commitment to excellence in the Greenhouse.

I'm honored to serve alongside each and every one of you as we work together to make the Greenhouse a safe and fun place for kids to Discover God!

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