So, how do approach your role as a volunteer? Is it a privilege to serve or a burden? Do you look forward to going to serve on Sunday morning or is something you have to find the energy to get through each week? Is it something you have to or something you get to do? Your attitude will have a direct impact on your fruitfulness when it comes to ministry. This is particularly true in children’s ministry where children can read you like a book and will no that your heart isn’t in it no matter how good you think you are at hiding that fact.
The following is an easy questionnaire to help you gauge your attitude towards volunteering in children’s ministry. Remember, the more honest you are in your answers, the more accurate the results will be. Click here for a pdf (and much nicer formatted) version of the attached test:
I come away from Children’s Ministry each weekend…
…feeling drained and worn out.
…feeling refreshed and rejuvenated even though you may be a little tired.
When preparing my lesson for the weekend, I…
…think about all the other things I could be doing.
…really get into it and try to come up with the best possible way to present the lesson.
…are generally annoying, but I guess they’re part of God’s creation too.
…have a special place in God’s heart.
My goal each weekend is to…
…just get through it without anything too catastrophic happening.
…teach kids about the love of Jesus and lead them towards a life serving him.
When I sit down at a table of ten kids…
…I hope they have something to play with and won’t bother me.
…I can’t wait to engage them in conversation and find out what they did this week.
Discipline is…
…making sure kids sit where they’re supposed to sit and don’t talk unless they are called.
…nurturing kids in the training and admonition of the Lord and training them to follow him.
To me, children’s ministry is…
…somewhere the church had a need that I got roped into filling until someone else gets suckered in.
…where I am meant to be and the place where God has uniquely equipped me to serve.
When someone asks me to serve kids other than on the weekend I…
…figure I am already doing my part and politely decline.
…view it as an opportunity to spend more time with the kids building relationships.
Children’s ministry is…
…a place where kids are groomed to become the church of tomorrow.
…the church of today.
I view serving in children’s ministry as…
…my cross to bear.
….a great privilege and awesome responsibility.
If you scored:
95+: You might want to go back and double check your answers. No one is THAT perfect for children’s ministry.
80-94: You understand the privileged and responsibility God has given you as a shepherd of his kids. You are an asset to your children’s ministry.
65-79: Children’s ministry may very well be your calling, your heart isn’t 100% in it.
50-64: You’re on the fences when it comes to your service in children’s ministry. Either jump in head first or find something else to do. Your attitude may be a drain on the team.
0-49: I hear traffic control might be looking for some volunteers!
So, what was your score?
I scored a 91...I know this is where I am supposed to be. I absolutely love serving in the Children's ministry!!!