Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Trust and Believe

As you all know now, I am no longer on staff at Freedom and over the children's ministry. With the new direction the church is going, my position was eliminated and this is also the best thing for my health and growth and also the church's health and growth.

Let's be real... it has definitely been a rough transition. I've been grieving as a part of me has died. BUT, I have also been rejoicing because of the peace that I have that God's best is next!

Andrew and I are so very blessed and so thankful that God may have called me out of a position but not called us out of Freedom. There's still way too much to do and we are meant to help push the vision forward-and that's very exciting!

So even though I'm no longer the one leading the way, you have 4 great people who I trust to keep things going and to take ownership! Alicia over check in and Nursery, Rhonda over Pre-K, Amanda Miller over all things K-5 Large Group and Le over K-5 Small Groups. In whichever area you serve, this is who you report to.

Nothings changed---Third Thursday all team meetings are still happening as well as pre-service meetings.

I do want to encourage you with this- Trust leadership. Trust the vision. And then take it a step further- Believe in leadership. Believe in the vision.

What's that mean for you? Serve in your sweet spot--the place that brings you joy.

You may not understand or be completely on board with all things children's ministry but if you know you are supposed to serve here, then trust leadership and trust the vision. Believe in it. Protect yourself, those you serve with, and the kids in your environment by leaving all things toxic out. Keep your thoughts and speech positive ESPECIALLY when serving. And in private, voice your concerns or suggestions to your leader. We want to hear your voice.

If you can't say that you trust and believe in leadership and the vision... then there's always a door open for you to exit.

Freedom is a volunteer ran church. Do we need you? Of course. But only if you want to be here. We require a lot of our volunteers---ESPECIALLY you who serve in the Greenhouse. We have policies and procedures in place for a reason. We are helping raise up Pastor Shane and Rachel's "baby." There's a weight and a huge blessing in being a part of that. Such an honor!

So be a part of it... with joy! And if you can't, for any reason, it's okay. Really. It's ok. Seek God, fight the enemy, and serve in an aspect that is God's best for you. I know that's what I'm seeking and I'm excited to see how God is going to use me in this next season!

We're still on the same team--Team Freedom. The Goal is more important than the Role. Let's get there-together!

Love you guys!

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