Wednesday, September 3, 2014

25 Signs You're Still a Kid at Heart

A fun read!

If you're a children's ministry leader, someone has probably told you, "You're just a big kid at heart." 

That's a good thing!

There are 2 skills I believe effective children's ministry leaders have.

First, the ability to lead adult volunteers.

Secondly, the ability to connect with a big kid-at-heart. 

Here's 25 signs you're still a big kid-at-heart.

1. You get just as excited as your kids when you're at Disney World.
2. You play with the toys your kids got for Christmas.
3. You still spend a lot of time playing video games.
4. At church, you'd rather be in children's service than adult service.
5. You don't just chew blow bubbles.
6. You build sand castles at the beach.
7. You still go down the slide at the playground when you get a chance.
8. You like to eat the same cereal as your kids.
9. Sometimes you order a kid's meal.
10. You still get really excited about your birthday party.
11. You know the names of at least 4 shows on the Nickelodeon channel.
12. You eat Lunchables.
13. You still get cotton candy whenever it's available.
14. You have an urge to jump on the bed when you stay at a hotel.
15. You look for the shapes of animals or characters in the clouds.
16. You go in the toy store when you are at the mall...even when kids are not with you.
17. You play practical jokes on your friends and co-workers.
18. You hate brushing your teeth...and sometimes don't.
19. Sometimes you watch cartoons with your kids.
20. You eat the same candy as your kids.
21. You watch Wizard of Oz every time it comes on TV.
22. You watch Charlie's Brown's Christmas every Christmas season.
23. When you're washing the car with spray them.
24. You get really excited when you see water balloons.
25. You love serving in children's ministry!

Remember...growing old is mandatory...growing up is optional.

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