Monday, October 14, 2013

From Pastor Tiffany's Heart: We're changing lives...

It's here.

4 services launch at Freedom Church this weekend.

Wow. Take a moment. Let that sink in.

What amazing opportunities we have to reach families in this county. To reach one more. For people to know there's hope.. God loves them.. He's for them.. they have a purpose.. For them to be reached in an accepting, loving, real environment where they can get into God's presence, hear a word that's easy to understand and they can apply it to their lives.. where relationships and marriages can be restored and chains can be broken. A place where people can connect and do life with each other in small groups.. where they can be looked at with grace filled eyes.. where life change can happen. A place where they can make a difference by serving and reaching out to the weak. A place where we believe in prayer and authenticity. A place where kids are loved on in a safe and fun place.. where they learn ways to express themselves in worship.. where they discover God creatively.. where they don't want to leave and they are bugging their parents through the week if it's time to go back yet.. A church where people actually want to invite their family and friends.. so they can experience something more.. something deeper.. something greater..

What a great place we get to be.. a place that's making a difference all around the world.. a place where people catch the vision.. a place that is full of world changers.

We are at the brink of something amazing.. what an honor to be a part of it.

It's a joy to be on this journey with you and I can't wait to see how God continues to work in and through Freedom!

-Pastor Tiffany

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