Tuesday, October 1, 2013

10 Simple but High-Impact Ways to Connect with the Kids You Serve

Do you want to make a lasting impact on the children God has called you serve?

For this to happen, you've got to make a heart connection with them.  Once the heart connection is made, it opens the door for life impact. 

Here's 10 simple, but high-impact ways, you can connect with the kids you serve.
  • Get to know them personally.  Go out of your way to talk with them.
  • Listen to them. 
  • Find out what music, TV shows, movies, and video games they like.
  • Entrust them with a specific responsibility in class.  
  •  Let them know who you are.  Tell them stories from your childhood.
  • Talk to their parents.  Ask questions.  What are their struggles?  What areas would they like to see their child grow in?  What are their needs?
  • Ask them what they are passionate about.
  • Affirm them with your words.
  • Be kind and loving.
  • Let them know you care. Tell them with your words and show them with your actions.
Your turn.  What are some other simple ways you connect with the kids you serve?

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