Friday, April 26, 2013

May through October GH Series SNEAK PEEK

Today I learned: (and then what the topic is each week)
Week 1: Neighbors are friendly. (Abraham, Sarah & Visitors: Genesis 18:1-14 & 21:1-3)
Week 2: Neighbors are giving. (The Widow at Zarephath: 1 Kings 17:7-16)
Week 3: Neighbors are forgiving. (Jesus & Zacchaeus: Luke 19:1-10)
Week 4: Neighbors are welcoming. (Peter & Cornelius: Acts 10:1-43)
--June- Book of Luke 
Goal is to highlight some of the "major stories" of Luke and how they translate to our lives.

  2     The Temptation (Luke 4) (When Jesus was tempted)
  9     The Storm (Luke 8) (Overcoming Storms in life)
16     The Answer (Luke 9) (Who do you say I am?) (Father's Day & Family Dedication)
23     The Prayer (Luke 11) (The Lord's Prayer)
30     The Walk (Luke 24) (Walk to Emmaus)
--July and August: Service Based:
SERVE NEIGHBORS: July 7: A Samaritan man helped a hurt neighbor. Luke 10:25-37
                        July 14: Rebekah showed kindness to Abraham’s servant Genesis 24:1-27
SERVE COMMUNITY: July 21: Zacchaeus gave to his community Luke 19:1-10
                        July 28: Gideon led God’s people in battle. Judges 6:1-16; 7:9-21
SERVE FAMILY: August 4: Miriam took care of her brother Moses Exodus 2:1-10
SERVE FRIENDS: August 11: Four men carried their friend to Jesus Mark 2:1-12
                        August 18: Jesus washed the feet of his disciples John 13:1-17
SERVE JESUS: August 25: Peter and John showed Jesus’ love and power.  Acts 3
Sept and October: Games You Should  or Should Not Play:
Chutes & Ladders: Ups and Downs, the Story of Joseph. Genesis 40
Connect Four: Connect yourself and others to Jesus. John 1:43-51
Life: Solomon made wise choices. 1 Kings 3:4-15
Sorry: Jesus teaches what it means to really apologize. Matthew 5:23-24
Trouble: The story of Moses. Exodus 2:11-15
Games You Shouldn't Play:
Battleship: Stop destroying others through gossip. James 3:3-10
Candyland: Solomon teaches against pursuing fun& pleasure all the time. Proverbs 14:12
Hungry Hippos: Jesus warns us about being greedy. Luke 12:13-21
Operation: Jesus teaches us to remove the plank from our own eye first. Matthew 7:1-5

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