Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What I Wish All My Team Members Knew...

writer stick figure
Dear Team members,

Last Sunday, I spent some time with a fun bunch of toddlers.

We sang silly songs with funny dance moves and worship songs with cool props.

We prayed together and heard some stories.

We built a tall tower with blocks and I drank some tea with my pinky up.

And in the midst of all the fun I repeatedly "made conversation" about discovering God's love.

It was crazy.

It was loud.

It was filled with silly questions... one about an elephant. 

And there were times I wasn’t sure who had control… me or them as we played kitchen.

Every time I step into a role in this ministry, I’m reminded of this simple truth…

Your time is valuable.

You want to invest your time well.

And so do I.

Spending the hours in kidmin the way we do, I can see how it can ‘feel’ more like play and not really serious discipleship work.

But would you believe me if I told you, the time you invest in teaching kids…

…telling them a Bible story…

…playing a game…

…reciting a bible verse…

…is far more than just filling a need for an hour?

What if I told you the gifts God gave to you, He will faithfully use to touch a child’s life?

That you’re living out what Christ taught in the Parable of the Talents.

You are one of the faithful servants.

What if I told you the outcome is greater than the inconvenience?

That the attention you provide earns you instant hero-ship.

That God can multiply the time you give up.

What if I told you your own faith can be stretched and strengthened if you allow it?

That what you teach further embeds itself in your own heart.

And become areas the Holy Spirit fleshes out in your own life.

It would certainly be easier to take what God’s put in you and bury it in a busy weekend schedule of activities.

Instead you choose to stretch yourself by taking what God’s put in you and invest it in a group of kids.

Words are not enough.

Thank you

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