Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 New Year Prayer

Happy New Year Team! Join me in this prayer, "God, may you use us to serve you well this year, may we continue making a difference, and may we step up our commitment to serving you and building the Kingdom. Bless us as we serve you and pour out all we have. And God we pray that we will bring in more than 30 new team members to help us serve the kids of Boone County! Help us have a GET TO attitude instead of a HAVE TO attitude---and let it be the most positive attitude we can have so we can allow these kids to enter into a welcoming, positive, nurturing environment. Help us do our best to make the Greenhouse a safe and fun place for kids to discover God! Thank you for creating us on purpose for a purpose and for putting us all on this journey together. Amen"

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