Thursday, December 27, 2012

A look into 2013

January we will be starting off the year strong with our STAND STRONG series! Then we'll focus on how God's LOVE for us helps us use that strength in February. Then we'll learn how to use that love to reach ONE MORE--the alone, hurting, and searching and realized it's our mission in life-it's what we're all about!

Then April we'll be going through our HEAVEN IS FOR REAL series and----then the rest is a surprise---but it's exciting!!!! A teaser though... relationships, book of Luke, serving series, and God using ordinary people to do extraordinary things!
I'm so excited for all things 2013 and I'm even more excited to be on the journey with you to love on these kids in a safe and fun environment where they'll discover Jesus with YOUR help! :o)
Love and appreciate you all!

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