Friday, June 22, 2012

Can you do this?

The mindset of the world is that the focus is all on me me me. We want to know what people are going to do for us, we want to be treated fairly, we want to be noticed and recognized for what we do.. you get the point.

You guys all have a leader that is growing to become a better leader.. a leader that prays for you and is trying their best to equip, encourage and empower you. They are the ones that appreciate and love on you.

Question---you guys are pouring out into the kids, but are you pouring out into eachother?

Try sending a team member and your leader a note of appreciation, write something nice on their facebook wall, go the extra mile to serve others. Also, we weren't meant to go through this life alone--get plugged in. Go out for an icecream together, get the kids together to play.. get to know your team members outside of Sunday mornings! You already have one awesome thing in common--you're serving together in an awesome mission field!

Can you do it?

*Remember, being a leader isn't developed in a day, it'd developed daily. None of us have arrived, but we can't give up on this journey of doing all that God wants us to.

Love you guys


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