Monday, June 18, 2012

7 enemies of Children's Ministry

Your Children's Ministry has enemies. They seek to render your ministry ineffective. Watch out for them. Guard against them. Don't allow them to get a foot in the door.


Mr. Disunity seeks to destroy your Children's Ministry through gossip, division, backbiting, and slander. He has his own agenda and is unwilling to submit to leadership.

How to defeat Mr. Disunity:
Unity doesn't mean you will agree on everything. But it does mean you will talk out any differences or questions using direct communication. Face-to-face with direct reports...not through side conversations. And once a final decision is made, everyone stacks hands and goes with it. And if you can't stack hands...then leave quietly.


The Abuser is a deadly enemy who seeks to destroy your Children's Ministry through secret abuse. He will not only hurt the life of a child but also severely damage your ministry's testimony in the community.

How to defeat The Abuser:
Have a thorough process for on-boarding new volunteers. This should include a personal interview where you ask hard questions, a background check, and reference calls. Also, never allow anyone to be alone with a child.


Mrs. Inwardly Focused wants to shift your attention away from those outside the walls of the church. She is most comfortable in a holy huddle. She can be very outspoken. You will hear her say things like "it's not deep enough" or "we need to care for our own instead of worrying about getting more new people in" or "I don't care if the music is helping reach people...its too loud!"

How to defeat Mrs. Inwardly Focused:
Stay focused on what matters to Jesus. He has the world on His heart. He came to seek and save those who are lost. He is the friend of sinners. At the same time, provide pathways for believers to grow in their faith. It's not either or...its both and.

The Calendar Crowder wants to fill your ministry calendar with random events and programs. His mantra is "the busier the better." He wants to push you into mediocrity as you spread your volunteers and budget dollars thin across a myriad of calendar items.

How to defeat the Calendar Crowder:
Be very strategic in your calendar planning. Remember less is more. Do a few things with excellence. Say "yes" to the unique calling God has for your ministry and "no" to everything else. Sometimes you have to say no to good things so something great can live.


Cousin Complacency tends to approach you after you've been in ministry for awhile. He hangs out in familiarity. He loves to whisper "been there, done that" in your ear. He wants you to put the ministry on cruise control, kick back, and relax. Why strive to grow spiritually and as a leader? You're doing just fine. No need to reach more people for Christ...just hold out until Jesus comes.

How to defeat Mr. Complacency:
Refuse to stop growing personally. Discipline yourself to spend time with Jesus and His Word. Read books that stretch you on a consistent basis. Evaluate the ministry each week and take one step toward improving it. Set ministry and personal goals on a regular basis and measure your progress.


Mr. Pride's goal is for you to stop depending on God and start depending on yourself. He wants you start believing the press reports and take credit for what is happening. He wants to render you unteachable. And why wait for God to promote you when you can promote yourself now?

How to defeat Mr. Pride:
Don't worry about who gets the credit. Don't believe your press reports either way. Push others into the spotlight. Own your mistakes and be quick to say "I'm sorry" and "I apologize" and "I was wrong." Listen a lot more than you talk. Lead by being a servant.


The Solo Superhero wants you to do ministry alone. Instead of training and investing in others, He wants you to do everything yourself. He'll try to convince you to spend all your time doing instead of showing. Besides...they can't do it as well as you. You know Solo Superhero's been at work when you have a ministry ran by a "rockstar" or a "martyr."

How to defeat The Solo Superhero:
Don't do ministry alone. Always have someone by your side that you are investing in...mentoring...preparing to lead. Empower your team and give ministry away. Remember you may be able to go faster alone...but you will always go further together. Make yourself unnecessary to the success of the ministry.

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