Friday, April 27, 2012

W.A.R.M Leaders

Let's Be W.A.R.M. Leaders!

From the moment children come into the Greenhouse, we want them to feel the warmth of God's love. Remember this acronym to remind yourself of attitudes and actions that will guide kids to a thriving relationship with Jesus.

W elcoming Spirit: To communicate that kids are welcome, greet them by name with enthusiasm and kind words.

A ctive Participation: Kids notice when adults sit around the edges of the room and don't get involved. So ensure you're actively involved in all experiences.

R elationship Building: Kids will open up if they know you are care for them. Ask about their week. Listen intently. Communicate during the week via text, mail, email, or a phone call.

M odeling Jesus: For some kids, you may be the only person to show them how to follow Jesus. What they witness in you will influence their ideas about Christian behavior in general.

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