Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Greenhouse Children's Auditorium Kick off!

SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to offer an intentional space for our K-5th graders!
The space is being transformed and completed as we speak!
Here's some things for you to expect:

**We will now be requiring parents to drop their kids off at their rooms. This allows there to be a face to face interaction so we can meet each other and also exchange any information that the other needs to know.

**Also, a reminder, that we have tags for the kids that match the parents for a reason! We will no longer allow non-adults to come pick up kids-EVEN IF THEY HAVE THE TAG. If a child (ages 0-17) comes to pick up another child, they we will apologize and say that we're sorry but an adult must be present with the tag to pick up the child. Let's stand up for safety! Also, to up our safety... we MUST have the tag to release the child-EVEN IF WE KNOW THE PARENTS AND WHO BELONGS TO WHO. We don't know what's going on throughout the week and if there's been an uprising in a home. We don't want to release a child to a parent (again, even if we know they belong together) without the tag because we don't know if they are supposed to be released to them. It's okay to stand for safety and to upset parents with these things. They will appreciate it if and when something happens.. so.. blame safety and me!

**Parent flow: When parents come in, they will go to the check in station and check in. (This is the same process we have had only the check in areas have changed location to in front of the auditorium wall.) K-5th grade parents will then drop their kids off at EITHER opening of the auditorium. Nursery parents will drop the kids off at the rooms and then Pre-K parents will go through the nursery hallway and to the left, up the stairs and down the hall to room 205 and down the EXIT stairs.
    When parents pick up, nursery parents will pick up at the room and pre-K parents will go back up the ENTRANCE stairs and down the EXIT stairs. K-5 parents will go to the entrance of the auditorium that's closest to the nursery. They will be met by a leader who will call on the microphone the childs name. The parent will then walk through the make-shift hall to the exit of the auditorium and meet another leader who will collect the childs tag and parents tag, ask the child about the day and give them a safety pop sucker and then they will exit.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask! I want to make sure we're all on the same page and ready to rock and roll!

I love and appreciate you all and it's a complete joy and honor to lead with you. Please be in prayer for 4 more people each service (total of 12) to join the GH in September!

You all rock!
-Pastor Tiffany

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