As you all know now, I am no longer on staff at Freedom and over the children's ministry. With the new direction the church is going, my position was eliminated and this is also the best thing for my health and growth and also the church's health and growth.
Let's be real... it has definitely been a rough transition. I've been grieving as a part of me has died. BUT, I have also been rejoicing because of the peace that I have that God's best is next!
Andrew and I are so very blessed and so thankful that God may have called me out of a position but not called us out of Freedom. There's still way too much to do and we are meant to help push the vision forward-and that's very exciting!
So even though I'm no longer the one leading the way, you have 4 great people who I trust to keep things going and to take ownership! Alicia over check in and Nursery, Rhonda over Pre-K, Amanda Miller over all things K-5 Large Group and Le over K-5 Small Groups. In whichever area you serve, this is who you report to.
Nothings changed---Third Thursday all team meetings are still happening as well as pre-service meetings.
I do want to encourage you with this- Trust leadership. Trust the vision. And then take it a step further- Believe in leadership. Believe in the vision.
What's that mean for you? Serve in your sweet spot--the place that brings you joy.
You may not understand or be completely on board with all things children's ministry but if you know you are supposed to serve here, then trust leadership and trust the vision. Believe in it. Protect yourself, those you serve with, and the kids in your environment by leaving all things toxic out. Keep your thoughts and speech positive ESPECIALLY when serving. And in private, voice your concerns or suggestions to your leader. We want to hear your voice.
If you can't say that you trust and believe in leadership and the vision... then there's always a door open for you to exit.
Freedom is a volunteer ran church. Do we need you? Of course. But only if you want to be here. We require a lot of our volunteers---ESPECIALLY you who serve in the Greenhouse. We have policies and procedures in place for a reason. We are helping raise up Pastor Shane and Rachel's "baby." There's a weight and a huge blessing in being a part of that. Such an honor!
So be a part of it... with joy! And if you can't, for any reason, it's okay. Really. It's ok. Seek God, fight the enemy, and serve in an aspect that is God's best for you. I know that's what I'm seeking and I'm excited to see how God is going to use me in this next season!
We're still on the same team--Team Freedom. The Goal is more important than the Role. Let's get there-together!
Love you guys!
Being a leader means helping others discover and live out their potential by inspiring them to seek it every day.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
10 Reasons Why You Don't Have Enough Volunteers
Don't have enough volunteers? It may be because of one or more of these reasons.
You're not asking.
You're not inviting people to join your team. Week in, week out, you've got to invite, invite, invite. You have not because you ask not. The best way to build a volunteer team is personal 1-on-1 invites.
You're not praying for volunteers.
What did Jesus say to do when the "laborers are few?" He told us to, "pray to the Lord of the harvest that He would send laborers into His harvest fields.
Spend time each day asking God to send you volunteers. Jesus wouldn't ask us to pray for something He didn't intend on giving us.
You're not casting vision.
People are drawn toward vision. Stop using words like, "" and start using words like, "impact...opportunity...make a difference."
You're not getting out of the kid world.
You have to go where adults are if you want them to join your team. Get into the adult world. Show up for new member's class, visit adult Bible study groups, connect with the men's and women's ministry.
You're not partnering with the student ministry leaders.
Student volunteers are the bomb. You should have lots of student ministry volunteers serving in your children's ministry. If you don't, then reach out to your student ministry leaders and ask how you can partner with them to get students involved.
You're not keeping the volunteers you already have.
If you're having constant volunteer turnover, then it will be hard to maintain enough volunteers. How do you keep them?
Two words. Family and Fun. Family - people stay where they feel connected and have relationships. Foster this. Fun - people stay where they enjoy being. Work hard to create a culture of fun.
You're not effectively following up with people who have served one time.
There are certain times of the year when people serve in children's ministry one time.
Normally this is during a church-wide push for an event or special services. Easter services....Christmas events...VBS...camps...fall festivals, etc.
Have a strategy to go after the people who sign up to serve that one time. You can turn one-time servers into full-time servers if you're intentional about looping back with them.
You're not providing enough entry level positions.
More jobs = more volunteers. Especially entry level positions.
Not everyone wants to start out teaching, leading worship, or overseeing a program. Provide lots of easy, entry level positions. You'll find that people start out in these entry level positions, but down the road gain enough confidence and experience to step into a bigger role.
You're not in a church that has a culture of serving.
Look around. If all the ministries in your church are lean on volunteers, you may be in a church where serving is not embedded in the DNA.
You're not encouraging your current volunteers to invite people to join them.
Encourage your current volunteers to invite people to serve with them. They know people you don't know and have influence you don't have.
Concluding thoughts...
If you don't have enough volunteers, don't beat yourself up. You're not alone. I don't know anyone who doesn't need more volunteers. I have a lot of volunteers, but I need a lot more...and always will.
The key is eliminating road blocks like the ones you've just read about.
Don't have enough volunteers? It may be because of one or more of these reasons.
You're not asking.
You're not inviting people to join your team. Week in, week out, you've got to invite, invite, invite. You have not because you ask not. The best way to build a volunteer team is personal 1-on-1 invites.
You're not praying for volunteers.
What did Jesus say to do when the "laborers are few?" He told us to, "pray to the Lord of the harvest that He would send laborers into His harvest fields.
Spend time each day asking God to send you volunteers. Jesus wouldn't ask us to pray for something He didn't intend on giving us.
You're not casting vision.
People are drawn toward vision. Stop using words like, "" and start using words like, "impact...opportunity...make a difference."
You're not getting out of the kid world.
You have to go where adults are if you want them to join your team. Get into the adult world. Show up for new member's class, visit adult Bible study groups, connect with the men's and women's ministry.
You're not partnering with the student ministry leaders.
Student volunteers are the bomb. You should have lots of student ministry volunteers serving in your children's ministry. If you don't, then reach out to your student ministry leaders and ask how you can partner with them to get students involved.
You're not keeping the volunteers you already have.
If you're having constant volunteer turnover, then it will be hard to maintain enough volunteers. How do you keep them?
Two words. Family and Fun. Family - people stay where they feel connected and have relationships. Foster this. Fun - people stay where they enjoy being. Work hard to create a culture of fun.
You're not effectively following up with people who have served one time.
There are certain times of the year when people serve in children's ministry one time.
Normally this is during a church-wide push for an event or special services. Easter services....Christmas events...VBS...camps...fall festivals, etc.
Have a strategy to go after the people who sign up to serve that one time. You can turn one-time servers into full-time servers if you're intentional about looping back with them.
You're not providing enough entry level positions.
More jobs = more volunteers. Especially entry level positions.
Not everyone wants to start out teaching, leading worship, or overseeing a program. Provide lots of easy, entry level positions. You'll find that people start out in these entry level positions, but down the road gain enough confidence and experience to step into a bigger role.
You're not in a church that has a culture of serving.
Look around. If all the ministries in your church are lean on volunteers, you may be in a church where serving is not embedded in the DNA.
You're not encouraging your current volunteers to invite people to join them.
Encourage your current volunteers to invite people to serve with them. They know people you don't know and have influence you don't have.
Concluding thoughts...
If you don't have enough volunteers, don't beat yourself up. You're not alone. I don't know anyone who doesn't need more volunteers. I have a lot of volunteers, but I need a lot more...and always will.
The key is eliminating road blocks like the ones you've just read about.
50 Signs You Grew Up in Church
If you grew up in church, you can probably relate to some of these. Welcome to memory lane.
If you grew up in church, you can probably relate to some of these. Welcome to memory lane.
- One of your heroes was Bibleman.
- You know who Larry and Bob are.
- You didn't get to watch The Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday night because you were at church.
- You were taught Bible lessons with flannel-graph.
- You flipped through the pages of the song book or looked at all the pictures in your Bible multiple times to survive a boring sermon.
- You had a cover on your Bible...and it was stylish.
- You have competed in a contest called "Sword Drill."
- You have owned a WWJD bracelet.
- You've had to keep yourself from laughing at someone who thinks they can sing a "special" but are way off tune.
- You're familiar with the poem "Footprints."
- The song "Father Abraham" was your weekly workout.
- You've been in a singing contest where the winner sang, "Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah" or "Praise ye the Lord" the loudest.
- Potluck.
- You ate out on Sundays after church.
- You went to summer camp.
- You know the song, "Deep and Wide."
- You have attended Vacation Bible School.
- You've sang, "The B-I-B-L-E...yes that's the book for me."
- You spent Halloween at a church fall festival instead of collecting candy in your neighborhood.
- You've heard the words, "Slow down and walk in church."
- You've had the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in your heart, down in your heart to stay.
- You saw Thief in the Night and had nightmares afterwards.
- You've collected quarters in a little bank.
- You memorized the books of the Bible.
- You've asked to go to the bathroom to get out of a boring lesson.
- You played games around an Awana circle.
- You participated in an offering contest.
- You've sang a hymn while looking down at a songbook.
- "Just as I am" was sang over and over until someone came forward at the end of service.
- You've attended a church "lock-in."
- You sang in a children's choir.
- You attended a "school" that meet on Sunday.
- You've watched a slide show presentation by a missionary.
- You've listened to puppets communicate God's Word.
- You sat through a sermon that felt like it would last for an eternity.
- You've used a church bulletin as a coloring page during a service.
- You've watched a song leader wave his arms in sync with the music.
- You know the words to "Deep and Wide."
- You know Zacchaues was a wee little man and a wee little man was he.
- You know the B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me.
- You've sang, "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world..."
- You've sat through a "business meeting" and you weren't inside an office building.
- You know what the word "rapture" means.
- The radio station in your car was always set to a Christian station.
- You gathered around a school pole once a year.
- You played hide and seek at church after the service...until you got caught.
- You sang about being in the army...the Lord's Army.
- Your dad went to Promise Keepers.
- You listened to the music of Carman or Steve Green or Petra
- You know, "you can't get to heaven on roller skates 'cause you might roll right past those pearly gates."
25 Signs You're Still a Kid at Heart
A fun read!
If you're a children's ministry leader, someone has probably told you, "You're just a big kid at heart."
That's a good thing!
There are 2 skills I believe effective children's ministry leaders have.
First, the ability to lead adult volunteers.
Secondly, the ability to connect with a big kid-at-heart.
Here's 25 signs you're still a big kid-at-heart.
1. You get just as excited as your kids when you're at Disney World.
2. You play with the toys your kids got for Christmas.
3. You still spend a lot of time playing video games.
4. At church, you'd rather be in children's service than adult service.
5. You don't just chew blow bubbles.
6. You build sand castles at the beach.
7. You still go down the slide at the playground when you get a chance.
8. You like to eat the same cereal as your kids.
9. Sometimes you order a kid's meal.
10. You still get really excited about your birthday party.
11. You know the names of at least 4 shows on the Nickelodeon channel.
12. You eat Lunchables.
13. You still get cotton candy whenever it's available.
14. You have an urge to jump on the bed when you stay at a hotel.
15. You look for the shapes of animals or characters in the clouds.
16. You go in the toy store when you are at the mall...even when kids are not with you.
17. You play practical jokes on your friends and co-workers.
18. You hate brushing your teeth...and sometimes don't.
19. Sometimes you watch cartoons with your kids.
20. You eat the same candy as your kids.
21. You watch Wizard of Oz every time it comes on TV.
22. You watch Charlie's Brown's Christmas every Christmas season.
23. When you're washing the car with spray them.
24. You get really excited when you see water balloons.
25. You love serving in children's ministry!
Remember...growing old is mandatory...growing up is optional.
If you're a children's ministry leader, someone has probably told you, "You're just a big kid at heart."
That's a good thing!
There are 2 skills I believe effective children's ministry leaders have.
First, the ability to lead adult volunteers.
Secondly, the ability to connect with a big kid-at-heart.
Here's 25 signs you're still a big kid-at-heart.
1. You get just as excited as your kids when you're at Disney World.
2. You play with the toys your kids got for Christmas.
3. You still spend a lot of time playing video games.
4. At church, you'd rather be in children's service than adult service.
5. You don't just chew blow bubbles.
6. You build sand castles at the beach.
7. You still go down the slide at the playground when you get a chance.
8. You like to eat the same cereal as your kids.
9. Sometimes you order a kid's meal.
10. You still get really excited about your birthday party.
11. You know the names of at least 4 shows on the Nickelodeon channel.
12. You eat Lunchables.
13. You still get cotton candy whenever it's available.
14. You have an urge to jump on the bed when you stay at a hotel.
15. You look for the shapes of animals or characters in the clouds.
16. You go in the toy store when you are at the mall...even when kids are not with you.
17. You play practical jokes on your friends and co-workers.
18. You hate brushing your teeth...and sometimes don't.
19. Sometimes you watch cartoons with your kids.
20. You eat the same candy as your kids.
21. You watch Wizard of Oz every time it comes on TV.
22. You watch Charlie's Brown's Christmas every Christmas season.
23. When you're washing the car with spray them.
24. You get really excited when you see water balloons.
25. You love serving in children's ministry!
Remember...growing old is mandatory...growing up is optional.
7 Ways to Communicate with Parents
Great Article!
One of the most important aspects of children's ministry is partnering with parents...and communicating with them is a big part of this.
What are the best ways to communicate with parents? Here's 7 ways you can connect with the people who have the biggest influence in the lives of the kids in your ministry.
Did you know that 98% of text messages get read? This is a sure-fire way to connect with parents. More about that here.
Make a point to talk with parents at church. Want to know where I spend my time on Sundays? Talking with parents. Be in the hallways and engage them in conversation.
Two-Minute Window
You have a two-minute window when parents are dropping off and picking up their children. Be intentional about connecting with parents during this window of time. More about that here.
Call them. And not just when you need them to volunteer. Call just to say "hi" and ask how you can pray for their child.
Take-Home Paper
Send home a communication piece. Will it get read? Not always, but you'd be surprised how many parents actually do read it.
Email still works. Send out emails about upcoming events, classes and activities. Or take it to the next level with a digital newsletter for parents.
Offer training classes at key times in parents' lives with their children such as child dedication, baptism, transition into middle school, etc.
One of the most important aspects of children's ministry is partnering with parents...and communicating with them is a big part of this.
What are the best ways to communicate with parents? Here's 7 ways you can connect with the people who have the biggest influence in the lives of the kids in your ministry.
Did you know that 98% of text messages get read? This is a sure-fire way to connect with parents. More about that here.
Make a point to talk with parents at church. Want to know where I spend my time on Sundays? Talking with parents. Be in the hallways and engage them in conversation.
Two-Minute Window
You have a two-minute window when parents are dropping off and picking up their children. Be intentional about connecting with parents during this window of time. More about that here.
Call them. And not just when you need them to volunteer. Call just to say "hi" and ask how you can pray for their child.
Take-Home Paper
Send home a communication piece. Will it get read? Not always, but you'd be surprised how many parents actually do read it.
Email still works. Send out emails about upcoming events, classes and activities. Or take it to the next level with a digital newsletter for parents.
Offer training classes at key times in parents' lives with their children such as child dedication, baptism, transition into middle school, etc.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Greenhouse Children's Auditorium Kick off!
SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to offer an intentional space for our K-5th graders!
The space is being transformed and completed as we speak!
Here's some things for you to expect:
**We will now be requiring parents to drop their kids off at their rooms. This allows there to be a face to face interaction so we can meet each other and also exchange any information that the other needs to know.
**Also, a reminder, that we have tags for the kids that match the parents for a reason! We will no longer allow non-adults to come pick up kids-EVEN IF THEY HAVE THE TAG. If a child (ages 0-17) comes to pick up another child, they we will apologize and say that we're sorry but an adult must be present with the tag to pick up the child. Let's stand up for safety! Also, to up our safety... we MUST have the tag to release the child-EVEN IF WE KNOW THE PARENTS AND WHO BELONGS TO WHO. We don't know what's going on throughout the week and if there's been an uprising in a home. We don't want to release a child to a parent (again, even if we know they belong together) without the tag because we don't know if they are supposed to be released to them. It's okay to stand for safety and to upset parents with these things. They will appreciate it if and when something happens.. so.. blame safety and me!
**Parent flow: When parents come in, they will go to the check in station and check in. (This is the same process we have had only the check in areas have changed location to in front of the auditorium wall.) K-5th grade parents will then drop their kids off at EITHER opening of the auditorium. Nursery parents will drop the kids off at the rooms and then Pre-K parents will go through the nursery hallway and to the left, up the stairs and down the hall to room 205 and down the EXIT stairs.
When parents pick up, nursery parents will pick up at the room and pre-K parents will go back up the ENTRANCE stairs and down the EXIT stairs. K-5 parents will go to the entrance of the auditorium that's closest to the nursery. They will be met by a leader who will call on the microphone the childs name. The parent will then walk through the make-shift hall to the exit of the auditorium and meet another leader who will collect the childs tag and parents tag, ask the child about the day and give them a safety pop sucker and then they will exit.
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask! I want to make sure we're all on the same page and ready to rock and roll!
I love and appreciate you all and it's a complete joy and honor to lead with you. Please be in prayer for 4 more people each service (total of 12) to join the GH in September!
You all rock!
-Pastor Tiffany
Monday, August 11, 2014
Tuesday with Tiff: short and sweet!
Hey Team!!!
I'm excited to meet with you all at our 3rd Thursday All Team meeting on the 21st! At that time you will know who your go-to person is going forward!!!
Also, Small Group Rally weekend is the weekend of the 23rd and it's SO vital that you all get plugged into a small group! Serving with each other is great but connecting outside of a service is so important! Please do your best to find a group that interests you and fits your schedule :)
Also, on Saturday the 23rd is our Turkey Run family outing and I'm looking forward to many of you going! YAY FOR OFFSITE FUN!!!!
That's all I have for this week.. just a quick update!
I love you all!!!
In this together,
Pastor Tiffany
I'm excited to meet with you all at our 3rd Thursday All Team meeting on the 21st! At that time you will know who your go-to person is going forward!!!
Also, Small Group Rally weekend is the weekend of the 23rd and it's SO vital that you all get plugged into a small group! Serving with each other is great but connecting outside of a service is so important! Please do your best to find a group that interests you and fits your schedule :)
Also, on Saturday the 23rd is our Turkey Run family outing and I'm looking forward to many of you going! YAY FOR OFFSITE FUN!!!!
That's all I have for this week.. just a quick update!
I love you all!!!
In this together,
Pastor Tiffany
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Fasting.. Praying.. Confidence.. what's on my heart!
Yesterday officially started 28 days of fasting and I'm excited that many of you have decided to take on that challenge with me as well!
I can't wait to see what God does in us personally and in our church through our faithfulness and being more intentional about seeking Him!
I have decided to fast in 3 different ways this month.
1) Fasting Sleep: If you're a parent, you probably remember how much sleep is a high commodity when you have an infant. So I have decided to give up 30 minutes minimum of sleep to tune into God's Word and to pray.
2) Fasting anything over 1200 calories: In an effort to get me healthy and back on track with pre-pregnancy (and better than!) body, I will be tracking my calories daily again with My Fitness Pal. I was very good with this for MONTHS before and even during pregnancy and I found that's the best "diet" that has ever worked for me. I can basically eat whatever I want but I just keep track of the calories. If that means I eat 3 pounds of chips and salsa and queso from El Meson, then that's all I can eat in that day :) So, I will stick to only 1200 calories in a day.
3) Fasting "extra": I will give up anything "extra" such as special treats. Oreo milkshakes and Yo Joy Frozen Yogurt and reeces minis are my weakness. I will intentionally stay away from those things during this time of fasting and prayer.
I have a yearning... a longing... to be closer to God.. to be a student of the Word.
You know how your body tells you that you're hungry (by grumbling noises or a headache, etc) or how you don't really have to think about eating. You just do it. It's in your nature?
I had a realization that I want to be hungry for the Word.. where I don't have to think about it. I just do it. It just happens. I want to learn to recognize when I am "hungry" and intentionally look for the signs. I want to make it a consistent thing.
Like Pastor Shane says, you can't come to church and plan to be fed once a week and plan to live and survive the rest of the week. You. Will. Die. You will be very sick and unhealthy and not able to conquer what comes to attack you. You can't be strong and confident and able to help others.
I realized that I'm hungry.
So I have decided to start with a daily devotional through You Version on "Confidence." I struggle with this a lot... I know who God called me to be and I am confident in that but I lack confidence in executing that.
I even bought a new journal to collect my thoughts and I'm so pumped to see the changes that happen in myself and others during this time of fasting and prayer.
I'm also being more intentional of praying "out of my comfort zone." It's easy and normal for me to pray for certain things. But I want to pray for other things.. to stretch my prayer life. I also am covering the church and GH specifically (the kids, families, the team, the environment, how we reach them..) with more intentionality.
The season I'm currently in is definitely the hardest, most stretched, having-to-rely-on-God-more-than-ever that I have EVER experienced and I know the upcoming season will definitely be one that God teaches me a lot. I'm honestly very nervous about it.. trying to remain confident.. Ever have those times when you know what you want so badly but you don't know what the outcome will be? It might be what you hope for but God might have a different direction for you? I'm trying.. really trying to remain confident and hopeful and faithful... knowing that God's best for me is coming. I have to trust in that and that it may or may not look like what I hoped for.
That's a little of my heart and where I'm at this this week... can anyone else relate?
So glad we're in this together!
-Pastor Tiffany
I can't wait to see what God does in us personally and in our church through our faithfulness and being more intentional about seeking Him!
I have decided to fast in 3 different ways this month.
1) Fasting Sleep: If you're a parent, you probably remember how much sleep is a high commodity when you have an infant. So I have decided to give up 30 minutes minimum of sleep to tune into God's Word and to pray.
2) Fasting anything over 1200 calories: In an effort to get me healthy and back on track with pre-pregnancy (and better than!) body, I will be tracking my calories daily again with My Fitness Pal. I was very good with this for MONTHS before and even during pregnancy and I found that's the best "diet" that has ever worked for me. I can basically eat whatever I want but I just keep track of the calories. If that means I eat 3 pounds of chips and salsa and queso from El Meson, then that's all I can eat in that day :) So, I will stick to only 1200 calories in a day.
3) Fasting "extra": I will give up anything "extra" such as special treats. Oreo milkshakes and Yo Joy Frozen Yogurt and reeces minis are my weakness. I will intentionally stay away from those things during this time of fasting and prayer.
I have a yearning... a longing... to be closer to God.. to be a student of the Word.
You know how your body tells you that you're hungry (by grumbling noises or a headache, etc) or how you don't really have to think about eating. You just do it. It's in your nature?
I had a realization that I want to be hungry for the Word.. where I don't have to think about it. I just do it. It just happens. I want to learn to recognize when I am "hungry" and intentionally look for the signs. I want to make it a consistent thing.
Like Pastor Shane says, you can't come to church and plan to be fed once a week and plan to live and survive the rest of the week. You. Will. Die. You will be very sick and unhealthy and not able to conquer what comes to attack you. You can't be strong and confident and able to help others.
I realized that I'm hungry.
So I have decided to start with a daily devotional through You Version on "Confidence." I struggle with this a lot... I know who God called me to be and I am confident in that but I lack confidence in executing that.
I even bought a new journal to collect my thoughts and I'm so pumped to see the changes that happen in myself and others during this time of fasting and prayer.
I'm also being more intentional of praying "out of my comfort zone." It's easy and normal for me to pray for certain things. But I want to pray for other things.. to stretch my prayer life. I also am covering the church and GH specifically (the kids, families, the team, the environment, how we reach them..) with more intentionality.
The season I'm currently in is definitely the hardest, most stretched, having-to-rely-on-God-more-than-ever that I have EVER experienced and I know the upcoming season will definitely be one that God teaches me a lot. I'm honestly very nervous about it.. trying to remain confident.. Ever have those times when you know what you want so badly but you don't know what the outcome will be? It might be what you hope for but God might have a different direction for you? I'm trying.. really trying to remain confident and hopeful and faithful... knowing that God's best for me is coming. I have to trust in that and that it may or may not look like what I hoped for.
That's a little of my heart and where I'm at this this week... can anyone else relate?
So glad we're in this together!
-Pastor Tiffany
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
"Just around the Riverbend"
--Anyone else just burst into the Pocahontas song just then with the post title? HAHA!
WOW! What a whirlwind it has been since coming back from maternity leave! So much happening.. so much excitement.. so many changes!
You guys are killing it. No, Really! Because of your faithfulness and commitment to doing what you do to serve God in the Greenhouse at Freedom, you are making the dream come to life!
It's been a while since my last Tuesday with Tiff blog post so I wanted to give you some updates and share my heart with you.
I'm so proud of our elementary age kids! They worked so hard this month memorizing their memory verse about friendship "a friend loves at all times. He is there to help when trouble comes." Proverbs 17:17 and because they all did that, we were able to celebrate!
Great things are also happening in the Pre-K area! We have 3 strong leaders who are taking this age group to greatness and I'm PUMPED! It's awesome hearing how our preschoolers are memorizing their memory verse and their "bottom line" for the day and month!
There's so much buzz happening about the Parent Cue app! I love that parents and kids are excited about bringing God into so many aspects of their daily lives outside of the church walls!
And many new parents are feeling comfortable and leaving their babies with us for the first time--YAY!!!!! And now, as a parent, I must say, I'm honored to have my baby girl be loved on by such a great team! :)
Pastor Josh Homan (kids pastor from Next Level Church in Ft. Myers, Florida) visited a few weeks ago and it was so great having him here! He was able to give me and some of you some great insight and direction and that paired with prayer has given me more confidence and clear direction in our next step as a kids ministry!
He gave lots of good feedback on things we can improve but also what we're doing well! He loves how welcoming we are at the check in area and also when parents pick up their kiddos. He loves that we are launching this new curriculum and really embracing it. He loves that there's such great attendance in preservice huddles. He loves that the nursery takes their roles seriously and makes it a priority to worship and share Gods Word with the kids. He was so proud of all of you and believes that we are on to great things! He also gave some input on ways we can improve.
A few of the things that he shared with us and challenged us on were these 4 things:
1) Sharp dress code: We have our dress code of wearing WE SERVE shirts, pants below the knee, and our new name badges. He encouraged us to look more "sharp." Parents are trusting us with their kids and so they want to know that we personally have it all together so we can give security that we can effectively love on their kiddos. It was mentioned to make sure our hair is brushed and we are freshly showered or have on fresh body spray. Also, ladies, to have good supportive bras--with the type of shirts we have, it's very apparent to notice if we don't have bras that fit us well. Also, ladies, to have fresh face--smiles and a fresh glow!. He challenged us on making sure our pants look nice (no holes, stains and that fit well) and that they are clean. *PS. I absolutely looooove finding stylish clothes that fit well for minimal costs so if you need help with any of these things, PLEASE contact me. I WOULD LOVE TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU AND TO ALSO HELP US LOOK SHARP!*
2) Holy discontent: He challenged us on our environments. I'm guilty of seeing what's not done with excellence but brushing it off and not putting any effort or importance on it. WELL, not any more! My eyes have been opened and there are so many things that are bugging me.. for instance, paint needs touched up BADLY in the nursery, holes need repaired, baseboards cleaned, carpets cleaned, better storage and much more but those are the biggies. So we have a list of things that need completed by either the team or the facilities team (such as doors being put in place, light bulbs changed, etc). This is God's house... it's our house... it's where we are inviting people in and hosting families and we need to prepare the place to be ready to serve with excellence. So you will be hearing a lot more of ways that we can continually do our part to keep improving our environments!
3) Strong leadership structure: We now have a strong structure put in place to build on and to grow from. I still have a few more people to talk to and present opportunities with but once that happens, be looking for more info on these changes and who you report to and what our new team meetings look like! I'm VERY excited by this!!
4) Auditorium: WE ARE MOVING FORWARD WITH THE AUDITORIUM! We are going to kick it off Sept 6/7 and it will have a "portable" feel and we can't wait to host our elementary aged students!
I'm excited to tell you more and cast some vision at our next ALL TEAM MEETING: The 3rd Thursday of August--AUGUST 21 at 6:30-8pm. Childcare and snacks will be provided!
And then DON'T FORGET--- August 23 is our All Team (with families and pets invited) Turkey Run Outing!!! YAY! So excited to spend some time with all of you! Meet at the church to carpool at 8am and we will be back by 2pm. Bring a picnic lunch, $5 entry cost to the park, sunscreen, blanket, change of clothes if you get wet or dirty, swimsuit and towel if you plan on getting in the water, and a Frisbee!
God is moving! He is doing incredible things in our midst.. and even on a personal level.. I'm humbled by how many talents and strengths all of you have to help get us to the next level on our journey. There's so many things that I don't know and that I'm still learning and that I have to work on to keep growing and I love and appreciate all of you and your patience as we have been in a transition period. God is doing a work in me and stretching and growing me like NEVER before and I'm honored that He chose me.. that He hasn't given up on me and that He sees enough in me to trust me and to give me more and to continue to chisel away at me.. and that He has blessed me with YOU.
There are great things just around the riverbend... amazing things on the horizon.. be encouraged. Don't stop. Don't give up. Keep going and keep allowing God to use you!
I'm so glad that we are in this together!
-Pastor Tiffany
WOW! What a whirlwind it has been since coming back from maternity leave! So much happening.. so much excitement.. so many changes!
You guys are killing it. No, Really! Because of your faithfulness and commitment to doing what you do to serve God in the Greenhouse at Freedom, you are making the dream come to life!
It's been a while since my last Tuesday with Tiff blog post so I wanted to give you some updates and share my heart with you.
I'm so proud of our elementary age kids! They worked so hard this month memorizing their memory verse about friendship "a friend loves at all times. He is there to help when trouble comes." Proverbs 17:17 and because they all did that, we were able to celebrate!
First Service on Sunday got to celebrate by seeing Luke get a pie in the face---it. was. AWESOME. :)
2nd Service Sunday got to celebrate by seeing ME get a pie in the face. I think the kids were way too excited about seeing this happen to me... :)
And at our Saturday service they got to come at me with silly string. IT. WAS. EVERYWHERE! It's 3 days later and I'm still finding some on me! :)
Great things are also happening in the Pre-K area! We have 3 strong leaders who are taking this age group to greatness and I'm PUMPED! It's awesome hearing how our preschoolers are memorizing their memory verse and their "bottom line" for the day and month!
There's so much buzz happening about the Parent Cue app! I love that parents and kids are excited about bringing God into so many aspects of their daily lives outside of the church walls!
And many new parents are feeling comfortable and leaving their babies with us for the first time--YAY!!!!! And now, as a parent, I must say, I'm honored to have my baby girl be loved on by such a great team! :)
Pastor Josh Homan (kids pastor from Next Level Church in Ft. Myers, Florida) visited a few weeks ago and it was so great having him here! He was able to give me and some of you some great insight and direction and that paired with prayer has given me more confidence and clear direction in our next step as a kids ministry!
He gave lots of good feedback on things we can improve but also what we're doing well! He loves how welcoming we are at the check in area and also when parents pick up their kiddos. He loves that we are launching this new curriculum and really embracing it. He loves that there's such great attendance in preservice huddles. He loves that the nursery takes their roles seriously and makes it a priority to worship and share Gods Word with the kids. He was so proud of all of you and believes that we are on to great things! He also gave some input on ways we can improve.
A few of the things that he shared with us and challenged us on were these 4 things:
1) Sharp dress code: We have our dress code of wearing WE SERVE shirts, pants below the knee, and our new name badges. He encouraged us to look more "sharp." Parents are trusting us with their kids and so they want to know that we personally have it all together so we can give security that we can effectively love on their kiddos. It was mentioned to make sure our hair is brushed and we are freshly showered or have on fresh body spray. Also, ladies, to have good supportive bras--with the type of shirts we have, it's very apparent to notice if we don't have bras that fit us well. Also, ladies, to have fresh face--smiles and a fresh glow!. He challenged us on making sure our pants look nice (no holes, stains and that fit well) and that they are clean. *PS. I absolutely looooove finding stylish clothes that fit well for minimal costs so if you need help with any of these things, PLEASE contact me. I WOULD LOVE TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU AND TO ALSO HELP US LOOK SHARP!*
2) Holy discontent: He challenged us on our environments. I'm guilty of seeing what's not done with excellence but brushing it off and not putting any effort or importance on it. WELL, not any more! My eyes have been opened and there are so many things that are bugging me.. for instance, paint needs touched up BADLY in the nursery, holes need repaired, baseboards cleaned, carpets cleaned, better storage and much more but those are the biggies. So we have a list of things that need completed by either the team or the facilities team (such as doors being put in place, light bulbs changed, etc). This is God's house... it's our house... it's where we are inviting people in and hosting families and we need to prepare the place to be ready to serve with excellence. So you will be hearing a lot more of ways that we can continually do our part to keep improving our environments!
3) Strong leadership structure: We now have a strong structure put in place to build on and to grow from. I still have a few more people to talk to and present opportunities with but once that happens, be looking for more info on these changes and who you report to and what our new team meetings look like! I'm VERY excited by this!!
4) Auditorium: WE ARE MOVING FORWARD WITH THE AUDITORIUM! We are going to kick it off Sept 6/7 and it will have a "portable" feel and we can't wait to host our elementary aged students!
I'm excited to tell you more and cast some vision at our next ALL TEAM MEETING: The 3rd Thursday of August--AUGUST 21 at 6:30-8pm. Childcare and snacks will be provided!
And then DON'T FORGET--- August 23 is our All Team (with families and pets invited) Turkey Run Outing!!! YAY! So excited to spend some time with all of you! Meet at the church to carpool at 8am and we will be back by 2pm. Bring a picnic lunch, $5 entry cost to the park, sunscreen, blanket, change of clothes if you get wet or dirty, swimsuit and towel if you plan on getting in the water, and a Frisbee!
God is moving! He is doing incredible things in our midst.. and even on a personal level.. I'm humbled by how many talents and strengths all of you have to help get us to the next level on our journey. There's so many things that I don't know and that I'm still learning and that I have to work on to keep growing and I love and appreciate all of you and your patience as we have been in a transition period. God is doing a work in me and stretching and growing me like NEVER before and I'm honored that He chose me.. that He hasn't given up on me and that He sees enough in me to trust me and to give me more and to continue to chisel away at me.. and that He has blessed me with YOU.
There are great things just around the riverbend... amazing things on the horizon.. be encouraged. Don't stop. Don't give up. Keep going and keep allowing God to use you!
I'm so glad that we are in this together!
-Pastor Tiffany
Monday, June 30, 2014
Tuesday with Tiff: READY.. SET.. GO!
Alright Team! Here we go!!!
This weekend we kick off our new way of helping these kiddos discover God in a safe and fun place!
Here are some things for us to remember and enforce:
*All kids MUST wear name tags the whole time.
If you find that a child is messing with the name tag, please simply move the tag to their back where they can not reach it. If a tag becomes unusable, please go to the check in station to have the check in team print a new tag. Name tags are important for us to know the kids names and for the number in the grey box which matches their parents. If for any reason we need to reach a parent, they should be informed at check in that this number will appear up on the screen. (If you need to reach a parent, simply take the child down to the check in station and one of the team members will inform the Production team of this and will put the number up on the screen.)
*No food or drink in Pre-K through 4th grade rooms.
We have many food allergies in the Greenhouse. We want to provide a clean and safe place for the kids. We will do our best to stop any food or drinks from entering the GH at the check in kiosks, but if for some reason we miss some and you see a child in your classroom with food or drinks (water included) please dispose of it or have them finish it out in the hallway.
*Once In, You're In.
We must all help eachother do a better job of keeping this system in place. Once a child is checked in, they become our responsibility and they must enter the GH immediately. We have to ensure kids are not getting checked in but then are not entering right away so they can go get a donut, etc.
*Pre-K to Room 205
Starting this week, remember that the preschoolers will be moved across the hall into Room 205. What does this mean if you currently serve in the Preschool room or in 3-4th grade? You will need to grab any supplies/games that you need prior to service starting and put what you need in your new space and then put it back following service.
*Bathroom Breaks
Because Room 204 upstairs will be available, please utilize those bathrooms IF you must take a child to the potty. BUT, if that room is being used by a small group, please continue taking the kids downstairs to the womens restrooms. As always, keep bathroom breaks to a minimum so they can get as much of Jesus as possible!
*Name Badges.
In pre-service meetings this week, you will receive your name badge. You are responsible for this name badge, just like your WE SERVE shirt that you are asked to wear each week. Please mark your name badge with Miss ______ or Mr _______.
*K-4 in Room 201
Starting this week, we are going to try something. We are going to have a few rows of chairs set up. We will have a pretty good size gap between rows for free-style worship but this will hopefully create a more distinguished area for the kids during worship and the message.
*Traffic Flow & Safety
Let's all work together to help our traffic flow get back to the right way. Parents should only be entering through the check in stairs and exiting through the otherside. Those exit stairs should never be used as an entrance for parents or kids. Also, there have been parents coming through the GH during service. If you ever see someone not in a We Serve shirt in our area, PLEASE STOP THEM and ask how you can help them. We want to keep our kids safe and want to personally escort parents through our areas if at all possible.
*Pre and Post Service Check Lists
You are all doing a fabulous job of keeping the rooms clean and put together! Just remember to check the framed checklists in your rooms for specific instructions on the expectations of the rooms.
Thank you all for helping us kick off new things in the Greenhouse WELL!
On this journey together,
Pastor Tiffany
This weekend we kick off our new way of helping these kiddos discover God in a safe and fun place!
Helping our kids that we get the honor of serving has become easier than ever! If you haven't, please download the FREE "Lead Small" app! Please be WELL PREPARED to lead your kids with the curriculum given through this app. If you would like a printed copy, we must know this by noon on Thursdays. Remember, YOU ARE PASTORING THESE KIDS. WE are responsible and held accountable for what we are teaching them and how well we are preparing for the harvest God brings our way each week! This material is so much easier for us to effectively reach the kids, but we must do our parents in preparing throughout the week by reading through the material and knowing it well!Here are some things for us to remember and enforce:
*All kids MUST wear name tags the whole time.
If you find that a child is messing with the name tag, please simply move the tag to their back where they can not reach it. If a tag becomes unusable, please go to the check in station to have the check in team print a new tag. Name tags are important for us to know the kids names and for the number in the grey box which matches their parents. If for any reason we need to reach a parent, they should be informed at check in that this number will appear up on the screen. (If you need to reach a parent, simply take the child down to the check in station and one of the team members will inform the Production team of this and will put the number up on the screen.)
*No food or drink in Pre-K through 4th grade rooms.
We have many food allergies in the Greenhouse. We want to provide a clean and safe place for the kids. We will do our best to stop any food or drinks from entering the GH at the check in kiosks, but if for some reason we miss some and you see a child in your classroom with food or drinks (water included) please dispose of it or have them finish it out in the hallway.
*Once In, You're In.
We must all help eachother do a better job of keeping this system in place. Once a child is checked in, they become our responsibility and they must enter the GH immediately. We have to ensure kids are not getting checked in but then are not entering right away so they can go get a donut, etc.
*Pre-K to Room 205
Starting this week, remember that the preschoolers will be moved across the hall into Room 205. What does this mean if you currently serve in the Preschool room or in 3-4th grade? You will need to grab any supplies/games that you need prior to service starting and put what you need in your new space and then put it back following service.
*Bathroom Breaks
Because Room 204 upstairs will be available, please utilize those bathrooms IF you must take a child to the potty. BUT, if that room is being used by a small group, please continue taking the kids downstairs to the womens restrooms. As always, keep bathroom breaks to a minimum so they can get as much of Jesus as possible!
*Name Badges.
In pre-service meetings this week, you will receive your name badge. You are responsible for this name badge, just like your WE SERVE shirt that you are asked to wear each week. Please mark your name badge with Miss ______ or Mr _______.
*K-4 in Room 201
Starting this week, we are going to try something. We are going to have a few rows of chairs set up. We will have a pretty good size gap between rows for free-style worship but this will hopefully create a more distinguished area for the kids during worship and the message.
*Traffic Flow & Safety
Let's all work together to help our traffic flow get back to the right way. Parents should only be entering through the check in stairs and exiting through the otherside. Those exit stairs should never be used as an entrance for parents or kids. Also, there have been parents coming through the GH during service. If you ever see someone not in a We Serve shirt in our area, PLEASE STOP THEM and ask how you can help them. We want to keep our kids safe and want to personally escort parents through our areas if at all possible.
*Pre and Post Service Check Lists
You are all doing a fabulous job of keeping the rooms clean and put together! Just remember to check the framed checklists in your rooms for specific instructions on the expectations of the rooms.
Thank you all for helping us kick off new things in the Greenhouse WELL!
On this journey together,
Pastor Tiffany
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Curriculum, Leadership, and all things new in the Greenhouse!
To the most fabulous team ever:
I am so excited for us to kick off all kinds of brand new things coming July 5/6! If you missed the all team meeting last week, I want to take a moment and update you on what we went over, just so we're all on the same page. But, before I do that...
I'm so glad to be back and missed you all so much! It was nice having the 8 weeks off with my precious baby girl, that, let's just be honest, should have been named "Little Andrew" instead of Ava Joy! HAHA! But I'm glad to get back to it and partner with you to help you grow as leaders and help these kiddos grow by helping them discover God in a more fun and easy way!
But, let's start off by saying....
Thank you so much for all you do to serve God here at Freedom in the Greenhouse! Your role is vital and we couldn't reach these kids and ONE MORE effectively without you. Before I left on maternity leave, we had a meeting about upcoming changes about launching the new children's auditorium. We will still be doing this but not until some more money comes in for us to be able to do so. So, hold out... it's coming! I promise!
Just a reminder of why we do what we do... it's all for ONE MORE! At Freedom, we want to create environments where everyone can experience the freedom of Jesus and you are helping us do that in the Greenhouse by providing a safe and fun place for the kiddos to discover God!
I want to quickly review some of our policies for you as volunteer team members:
- Wear your WE SERVE shirt and bottoms that are below the knee each time you serve
- Starting July 5/6 also wear your GH name badge---you are responsible for bringing it and wearing it.
- If you decide you would like to take a break from the GH, please give us a 3 week notice as opposed to saying, "I'm taking a break and this is my last day."
- Room 203 is available upstairs for you to utilize for your personal belongings.
- If you serve in room 201 upstairs, please do not use or place anything on the production table.
- This is something we're going to try to catch better at check in, but please no food or drinks in the classrooms upstairs. (nurseries are a little different because of bottles and what not so we're looking into how to best create this policy.)
- If you serve with K-4 kiddos, remember that we have minimal restroom breaks. If the child comes to you and asks to go to the restroom, ask them to wait a few minutes and finish the current activity. If they then on their own come back up to you and ask, then you can DISCRETELY take them to the restroom. Otherwise, this will create a ripple effect of kids wanting to use the restroom when they don't really need to.
- EVERYONE needs to attend their preservice meeting upstairs prior to serving! --This is as mandatory as I can make it for you being volunteers. It's important for us to come together and get excited as a team, pray together and also make sure everyone is there and all positions are filled.
- Just a reminder of our honor code that you all signed when being interviewed for the Greenhouse. Please refrain from profanity and doing anything that would cause Christ to grieve and others to stumble, while serving and outside the church as well.
- We serve consistently in the Greenhouse to build trust and relationships with the kids that we serve.
Our brand new curriculum to make life easier on you in preparing to reach the kids and also stream line the ministry!
We have been focusing on helping you develop the content and also wanting you to be good communicators as well. Well, that's a lot so we're switching and giving you the content and you just have to communicate it! This will make your life so much easier during the week as all you will need to do is read through how you will be utilizing the time with the kids, gather your supplies and you'll be off to the races.
I'm excited for you to take the energy you were using from preparing... to pastoring! Let's love on these kids and help them discover God in a more fun and tangible way that doesn't make you want to pull your hair out from preparing all week!
If you have a smart phone, go right now to the app store and download this free app: LEAD SMALL. It has a red dot for an icon. Everything you need to lead your time with the kids, from infants through 4th graders is in that app! (aside from supplies). If you don't have a smart phone or would prefer to have hard copies of the class time, that will be available for you.
Also, I'm very excited to step up our PARENT COMMUNICATION! This curriculum has a great tool to reach parents throughout the week and equip them as main spiritual leaders in their kids lives. Parents will be encouraged to download the PARENT CUE app, for a one time $1.99 fee which has SO much to use during the week. Everything from meal time discussions, bed time prayers, activities and articles on parenting tips!
I'm so excited to scratch all that we have done before --- what got us here won't get us there. We are going to a new level and this will help us get there. We have leaders stepping into new roles and we are developing new leaders. And I'm also excited to scratch anything we have ever thought about doing the rest of the year. God wants to do a new thing.. The Greenhouse is a place to grow... for the kids.. for you.. and for me! And I'm excited to go on this journey!
Thank you all for serving and doing what you do... you're all rockstars and never forget that you're helping fulfill the vision of Freedom by serving in the Greenhouse!
(See below for some more info on the curriculum!)
-We're in this together,
Pastor Tiffany
K-4 Team--check out how we are going to be able to better serve our students through this new curriculum!
Nursery- PreK team--here's how we are going to be able to love on our little ones and help them discover Jesus better!
God Made Me
God Loves Me
Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Also, for those leading infants through 5 year olds, here are things you need to know about the curriculum:
Each teaching lesson begins with Small Group activities that are fun and
welcoming. These activities are designed to make the children feel drawn into
the room. Not only do they help the children become more comfortable in
their classroom, they also introduce new concepts they need to understand
the Bible story. There are three types of Make It Fun activities: movement,
game, and investigation or role play.
After a fun time with classroom friends, children are led to a Large Group
time for worship, intro sketch and Bible story. Whether you have Large
Group in a classroom or theater, this is when children come together to hear
the truth of God’s Word.
During worship, children are encouraged to openly express their love for who
God is and praise Him for all He has created. The curriculum provides one
song and recommends up to two others. Worship time also equips leaders to
teach the month’s memory verse.
The introductory sketch (in 3s-5s) provides a real-life situation to which
preschoolers can relate that connects their world to the Bible Story.
The Bible story is written with age-appropriate language and told in an
exciting and interactive manner. First Look Bible stories are written to be told
spoken and not read, and we encourage advance preparation by leaders.
Children return to their room to participate in a variety of Small Group
activities that will help them apply what they have learned. These activities
may be crafts, games, or even yummy snacks. Each activity reinforces that
month’s Bottom Line in a fun and interactive way. Throughout this time of
the lesson the Bottom Line is repeated to be sure each child knows the truth
of God’s love. There are five types of Make It Stick activities: Memory Verse
Review, Bible Story review, Just for Fives (more advanced), movement and
Three- through 5-year-olds are led into a Small Group time where they can
personalize the lesson and have a time for prayer. In Small Groups,
relationships grow as children are encouraged to share their thoughts
about the Bottom Line and talk to God in their own words.
Different Parent Cues are provided depending on the age group. Each has a
way for the parent and child to interact over what was learned at church.
What happens at home is more important than what happens at church.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Just for Fun! 20 Things Today's Kids Don't Know About

- Renting a VHS tape and getting ticked off because the previous person didn't rewind it.
- That video games can be fixed by just blowing into them.
- The frustration of driving to Blockbuster to rent the movie you want to see and finding out all the copies are rented out.
- That cell phones are the size of bricks.
- Not being able to walk around while you are on the phone because you are tied down by a cord.
- Having to look in a book to find out the answer to a question.
- Having to use a TV Guide to know what's on TV.
- Having to use a paper map to find a location.
- How to memorize a phone number.
- That having a pager makes you feel important.
- How awful it was when someone taped over a show you had recorded on your VHS tape.
- That cereal isn't cereal if it doesn't have a prize at the bottom.
- An annoying squealing sound when you connect to the internet.
- How to use a World Book Encyclopedia.
- Having a watch that is also a calculator.
- Having to wait for your favorite song to come on the radio.
- Saving information on a floppy disk.
- Using a phone booth.
- Getting up to change the TV station.
- Fixing a cassette tape with a pencil.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
A New Season---from Pastor Tiffany's Heart
2 and a half weeks ago, Andrew and I started a new season... A season of unknowns, no manual provided, and ready to experience all kinds of uncharted territory.
Although I am on maternity leave, I felt compelled to share my heart with you.
First off, I want to say THANK YOU. It makes my heart so happy knowing that the ministry is in good hands and still reaching ONE MORE, even in my absence. Thank you for remembering the vision and for carrying it on. Just a reminder that you serve a great God, in a great church, in an awesome ministry. Remember the bigger picture and that what you do makes a difference.
Second, I want to give a shout out to all those leaders who are doing their best to lead you all in my absence. I have complete confidence and trust in them and can't thank you enough, again, for allowing them to lead you, guide you, and be my eyes and ears while I'm out.
Lastly, I want to talk to you about the new season that's coming. There's going to be lots of changes and strides to take this ministry to a new level and I'm so excited to go on the journey with you all and all of those that you're asking to come be a part of it. We are going to enter into a part of our journey that's new.. exciting.. but full of unknowns. We will be as ready as we can and I just ask that you trust me, trust the vision, stay with us ready to experience the uncharted territory. It's going to be a fun ride, I'm sure with many bumps along the way, but God didn't call us to ministry because it's easy. He called us into the messiness of this world.. culture.. ministry and to be used by Him to make a change. To be a change.
WE ARE WORLD CHANGERS... We have a mission and it's an honor to go through the mess and the fun with you.. all for one more!
So keep going team! I'll be back before you know it.. but until then.. keep trusting, keep praying, keep believing, and keep carrying the vision forward!
I love and appreciate you all!
-Pastor Tiffany
PS- and just because I can't get enough of this new season I'm in--

Hello from Ava Joy!
Although I am on maternity leave, I felt compelled to share my heart with you.
First off, I want to say THANK YOU. It makes my heart so happy knowing that the ministry is in good hands and still reaching ONE MORE, even in my absence. Thank you for remembering the vision and for carrying it on. Just a reminder that you serve a great God, in a great church, in an awesome ministry. Remember the bigger picture and that what you do makes a difference.
Second, I want to give a shout out to all those leaders who are doing their best to lead you all in my absence. I have complete confidence and trust in them and can't thank you enough, again, for allowing them to lead you, guide you, and be my eyes and ears while I'm out.
Lastly, I want to talk to you about the new season that's coming. There's going to be lots of changes and strides to take this ministry to a new level and I'm so excited to go on the journey with you all and all of those that you're asking to come be a part of it. We are going to enter into a part of our journey that's new.. exciting.. but full of unknowns. We will be as ready as we can and I just ask that you trust me, trust the vision, stay with us ready to experience the uncharted territory. It's going to be a fun ride, I'm sure with many bumps along the way, but God didn't call us to ministry because it's easy. He called us into the messiness of this world.. culture.. ministry and to be used by Him to make a change. To be a change.
WE ARE WORLD CHANGERS... We have a mission and it's an honor to go through the mess and the fun with you.. all for one more!
So keep going team! I'll be back before you know it.. but until then.. keep trusting, keep praying, keep believing, and keep carrying the vision forward!
I love and appreciate you all!
-Pastor Tiffany
PS- and just because I can't get enough of this new season I'm in--

Hello from Ava Joy!
Monday, March 24, 2014
Is a Child Ready to begin a relationship with Jesus? What about being baptized?
One of the most exciting times for a parent is when their child starts asking questions about beginning a relationship with Jesus.
It can also be a challenging time as parents try to decide if their child is really ready to make this decision or not. And many times they will come to you for help.
They will ask questions like...
"How old should my child be to make this decision?"
"How do I know if my child is ready or not?"
"Should I let them pray the prayer of salvation or have them wait?"
So how do you tell if a child is ready to begin a relationship with Jesus? Here are 3 indicators I tell parents to watch for.
#1 - The child knows what sin is.
Before a child (or anyone) can enter a relationship with Jesus, they must understand why they need a relationship with Jesus. They must understand what sin is and that they have sinned. If a child doesn't understand this, then they are not ready to step across the line of faith.
#2 - The child initiates the conversation on a regular basis.
If a child continues to initiate conversations about accepting Jesus, then that is a good sign that God is working in the child's life. The Holy Spirit convicts and draws people...including kids. There is no "Jr. Holy Spirit."
#3 - The child knows they "need" to do this vs. the child "wanting" to do this.
There is a difference. There is a difference between "I want to do this because my friends are" or "I want to do this because it's fun" and "I need to make this decision" or " I need to do this because I want Jesus in my life."
How do you know if your child is ready to be baptized?
#1 - Understand WHY we get baptized.
People of all ages need to understand that at Freedom, we do not believe that it's the act of being baptized in water that "makes" you saved. What makes you saved is the prayer of asking Jesus in your heart and confessing it with your mouth. Baptism is following Jesus' example and publically showing everyone of the commitment that has been made to live a life for Him. It's accountability and a chance to shine your light and tell your story of how God has changed you and how you want to live a life for Him.
Our next baptisms at Freedom are coming up the weekend after Easter, April 26/27 during all services. If your child has accepted Jesus in their heart and understands what baptism is and you feel like now is a good time, than come see Pastor Tiffany for more information or email her at or call into the office 765-482-7220.
This year, we are recording videos of those being baptized so everyone can hear and see them telling their story of why they are being baptized. We are recording these videos immediately following each service through Easter weekend. You will need to choose which service you or your child is going to be baptized (offered during all 4 services). We will be giving you a shirt to be baptized in on that day and ask that you bring a towel and extra change of clothes. Also, don't forget to INVITE family and friends to join you for this special day!
We love seeing how God is changing your kid's lives.. THANK YOU for allowing us to partner with you to make Jesus irresistible to kids!
-Pastor Tiffany
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
6 Simple Reminders for Engaging Kids in Conversation
If you are in #kidmin or work with children in any capacity, then you talk to kids all the time. As you "talk" with kids, don't miss opportunities to engage them in a deeper conversation. Here are 6 simple reminders for engaging kids in conversation from Henry Dutton. Henry is a CentriKid camp director who excels at training camp staff & modeling how to have intentional conversations with kids.
- Call children by their names. This is very important because it communicates that you care. For all of us, our name is one of the best things we like to hear...its how we are wired.
- Ask open-ended questions (about family, friends, interests, school, etc.). If they can shake their head or answer yes/no to your question, then you won't go very deep with this conversation.
- Ask appropriate personal or spiritual questions. Too many times, adults shy away from asking kids personal questions. Remember, kids don't have the same awkward filter that adults they are happy to answer personal questions and talk about spiritual things.
- Share appropriate personal stories with kids. It can be a big relief to find out someone they look up to has been through the same thing. The story can help solidify the point you are making with them too.
- Strive to be honest, genuine, and caring. If we are genuine with kids, we model how they should be when they grow up. They will begin to reciprocate that genuineness now, and it can become a part of all their conversations.
- Have fun! Smile! Strive to foster a responsible sense of childlikeness. It’s okay to be a big kid and express to a child that you enjoy hanging out and chatting with them!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
A Captivating, Powerful Video
It's a great reminder to look at people through the eyes of Jesus.
What does it mean to see people through the eyes of Jesus?
What are some things that hinder us from seeing people as Jesus sees them?
How can we be more intentional about seeing people as Jesus sees them?
Monday, March 3, 2014
Tuesday with Tiff: It's all about the kids
TRUTH ABOUT SERVING IN THE GREENHOUSE: It's a great place to meet and make friends!
TRUTH ABOUT SERVING IN THE GREENHOUSE: It's a great place to build on those relationships!
MYTH ABOUT SERVING IN THE GREENHOUSE: It's a great place to meet and make friends and build those relationships WHILE serving.
We are a team and it's our goal that we build relationships with those that we serve with and do life together. But when we are serving, we are ON.
What does that mean? It means once that pre-service meeting is over, it's go time! It's no longer about us. It's not about us making friends or building those relationships. Our focus, attention, and energy transfers over to the kiddos in the room.
When those kiddos enter the room, it's about them... their safety, if they're having fun, if they're discovering Jesus, and if they are building relationships--with others and with YOU!
If you are focusing on interacting with another leader in the room then you are missing out on a great opportunity to love on the kids, to help them feel accepted and to build trust with you... a chance for them to see Jesus through you!
I like to use the "20 second" rule. If you find yourself talking to a team member more than 20 seconds than that means you are having your focus gone for far too long on the real reason you are there to serve.
But Pastor Tiffany, I joined a serving team so I could meet people and make friends. GREAT! I want you to and I want those to build and grow. But that can happen in the context of a lunch or play date outside of service or being in a small group together or communication throughout the week.
Once you step onto the playing field, so to speak, it would be so beneficial for you to back each other up and look out for each other to make sure each other's focus is where it's supposed to be.
From infants, toddlers, preschoolers, to 4th graders: each area has a great opportunity to make the most of the opportunities God is bringing your way to reach these kids.
It's usually a good rule to be on the kids level---height I mean. If you serve with toddlers, sit on the floor with them. Did you catch that? With THEM. Play and engage with the kiddos. That's a perfect time to get to know them, encourage them, and be Jesus to them. Do what you can to stay away from just sitting there, engaging in conversation with fellow team members. It's not about them.. it's about the kids. It's about fully giving your attention to the kids.
Same thing with 4th graders... when they are spending time together in pre-service activities, what a FANTASTIC time to engage them.. to play with them.. to be silly with them.. to build that trust and relationship with them where when they leave, they can't wait to come back because they want to see YOU. They invite their friends because they want them to meet you--cause you're just so cool!
For 5 years I was a nanny to 2 kids, Alex (now 9) and Charlotte (now just shy of 6). One day, Alex was off to school and Charlotte and I were playing in the living room. Well, Charlotte was playing and I was probably surfing facebook on my phone. Something that she said to me has stuck with me ever since. Simple really but so eye opening. She came up to me and said, "Tiffy, be with me." I said, "I am with you Charlotte." She said, " No. Be WITH me." Wow.
Here I am in the room with her but not engaging her.. doing my own thing.
We are missing the mark and the goal of what God wants us to do if we aren't WITH the kids.
We have an incredible opportunity to see these kids grow... to help them get closer to God each time we are with them... So many people who come to Freedom are newer to a relationship with Christ. What an amazing opportunity we have to show and tell these kids about Jesus NOW... at a young age!
So remember this the next time you serve... it's all about the kids.
TRUTH ABOUT SERVING IN THE GREENHOUSE: It's a great place to build on those relationships!
MYTH ABOUT SERVING IN THE GREENHOUSE: It's a great place to meet and make friends and build those relationships WHILE serving.
We are a team and it's our goal that we build relationships with those that we serve with and do life together. But when we are serving, we are ON.
What does that mean? It means once that pre-service meeting is over, it's go time! It's no longer about us. It's not about us making friends or building those relationships. Our focus, attention, and energy transfers over to the kiddos in the room.
When those kiddos enter the room, it's about them... their safety, if they're having fun, if they're discovering Jesus, and if they are building relationships--with others and with YOU!
If you are focusing on interacting with another leader in the room then you are missing out on a great opportunity to love on the kids, to help them feel accepted and to build trust with you... a chance for them to see Jesus through you!
I like to use the "20 second" rule. If you find yourself talking to a team member more than 20 seconds than that means you are having your focus gone for far too long on the real reason you are there to serve.
But Pastor Tiffany, I joined a serving team so I could meet people and make friends. GREAT! I want you to and I want those to build and grow. But that can happen in the context of a lunch or play date outside of service or being in a small group together or communication throughout the week.
Once you step onto the playing field, so to speak, it would be so beneficial for you to back each other up and look out for each other to make sure each other's focus is where it's supposed to be.
From infants, toddlers, preschoolers, to 4th graders: each area has a great opportunity to make the most of the opportunities God is bringing your way to reach these kids.
It's usually a good rule to be on the kids level---height I mean. If you serve with toddlers, sit on the floor with them. Did you catch that? With THEM. Play and engage with the kiddos. That's a perfect time to get to know them, encourage them, and be Jesus to them. Do what you can to stay away from just sitting there, engaging in conversation with fellow team members. It's not about them.. it's about the kids. It's about fully giving your attention to the kids.
Same thing with 4th graders... when they are spending time together in pre-service activities, what a FANTASTIC time to engage them.. to play with them.. to be silly with them.. to build that trust and relationship with them where when they leave, they can't wait to come back because they want to see YOU. They invite their friends because they want them to meet you--cause you're just so cool!
For 5 years I was a nanny to 2 kids, Alex (now 9) and Charlotte (now just shy of 6). One day, Alex was off to school and Charlotte and I were playing in the living room. Well, Charlotte was playing and I was probably surfing facebook on my phone. Something that she said to me has stuck with me ever since. Simple really but so eye opening. She came up to me and said, "Tiffy, be with me." I said, "I am with you Charlotte." She said, " No. Be WITH me." Wow.
Here I am in the room with her but not engaging her.. doing my own thing.
We are missing the mark and the goal of what God wants us to do if we aren't WITH the kids.
We have an incredible opportunity to see these kids grow... to help them get closer to God each time we are with them... So many people who come to Freedom are newer to a relationship with Christ. What an amazing opportunity we have to show and tell these kids about Jesus NOW... at a young age!
So remember this the next time you serve... it's all about the kids.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Where You Should Place the Oldest Kids in the Room
Check out what this ministry does!
This is a picture of our Stuart Campus. We currently meet in a high school while we are building a permanent facility.
At this campus, grades 1-5 meet together. Notice where we place the 4-5th grade boys. Front and center.
This is intentional. Why?
- Always target the oldest boy in the room when you teach and prepare programming. Catch the 5th grade boy and you will engage all the kids. Cool rolls down hill.
- Don't place older kids behind younger kids. If older kids see younger kids in front of them, they will think "this is babyish."
- Make the oldest kids the leaders. This will bring engagement and ownership. Get them on the praise team, let them be greeters, help take the offering, etc.
"We're not going to talk down to the kids. Let's aim for the 12 year old. The younger ones will watch, because they'll want to see what their older brothers and sisters are looking at."
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Tuesday with Tiff: The Power to Change the World
Therefore GO and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations.
Matthew 28:19
An excerpt from John Maxwell:
All the training in the world will provide only limited success if you don't turn your people loose to do the job. The way to do that is to give them responsibility, authority, and accountability.
For some people, responsibility is the easiest to give. But what is difficult for some leaders is allowing their people to keep the responsibility after it's been given. Poor managers want to control every detail of their people's work. When that happens, the potential leaders who work for them become frustrated and don't develop. Rather than desiring more responsibility, they become indifferent or avoid responsibility all together.
With responsibility must go authority. Winston Churchill said in an address, "I am your servant. You have the right to dismiss me when you please. What you have no right to do is ask me to bear responsibility without the power of action."
Once responsibility and authority have been given to people, they become empowered to make things happen. But we also have to be sure that they are making the right things happen. That's where accountability comes into the picture.
Do you struggle in giving responsibility, authority, or accountability to others?
Pastor Tiffany's Response:
One thing that I love about God calling me to Freedom to be a pastor is that I get to serve with an amazing team- the Pastoral Staff. I love that we get to help Pastor Shane carry the vision that God has placed on Freedom and that he trusts us to help build it.
I also love that I get to serve alongside incredible people and lead you all.
I also enjoy the culture of Freedom and how we are always constantly changing and striving to become better and do what it takes to reach ONE MORE.
I love that we have the mindset that "The Goal is more important than the Role." We all have a very vital role to play to help us carry out the vision of Freedom.
I love that we don't function as many other churches do, or as many people think that we should--where the pastor does everything, has a hand in everything, and should make all the decisions. Or that the pastor should be the one to make house calls, hospital visits, be at all the things they are invited to, and I could keep going but I'll stop myself there.
I love that this is a safe place to fail, to succeed, to walk into the unknown without knowing what's coming, and to raise people up. I love that we're not meant to do ministry on our own. That's not what being a leader is.. it's about raising others up and giving things away. It's about trusting others.. equipping, empowering and encouraging them to step into more of what God has for them.
It's a personal passion of mine to help others discover and live out their potential by inspiring them to seek it every day.
I take my calling as a pastor very seriously... Ephesians 4:11-12 says:
"And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ" Ephesians 4:11-12
It's my job as a pastor of Freedom to equip others to do the work of the ministry. To provide vision and oversight and to do only what I can do. Then we will be able to build up the body together, effectively and efficiently.
Roles change. Responsibilities change. They always have at Freedom and they always will.
I love that, for seasons at a time, things are given away and team members are trusted to carry out the vision.
Let's chat Greenhouse specific real quick.
It would be real easy for us to function as many other churches out there who buy curriculum and read the bold words and go by the book to lead in the classroom.
Wow. What an injustice that would be for YOU and for the kids.
God has made it very clear that I am supposed to pull out your God-given talent and for you to be stretched and grow as a leader by developing the time that we get to spend with the kids.
This is why I give the vision of the series and what each week should be about but allow and TRUST you to come up with how that time is spent and how we can reach these kids in the most beneficial way.
Childcare--- WE ARE FAR FROM IT! Do you agree?
We are a (say it aloud with me) SAFE and FUN place for KIDS to DISCOVER GOD.
What a mantle for us to carry.. a weight to carry.. such an important thing.
--if we aren't
safe, then they won't come back.
--if we aren't fun
and relational, they won't come back.
--if we don't do
our best to help the kids get one step closer to God, they shouldn't come back.
We only have one or two hours a week to reach the kids that God brings in our doors. That's not a lot of time to pour into them the TRUTH and things that go against the culture of the world. That's not a lot of time for us to be a godly influence and provide a place where they can be comfortable and free to be themselves where we don't know what their week has looked like.
We don't know if they were just fighting with their parents or beaten or told they are mistakes. We don't know if they are bullied. We don't know if they have been neglected or emotionally abused at home. We don't know if they truly know what love is. We don't know if they are hearing about the Word and Truth any other time than what we have with them.
And what's sad and scary and makes me angry--- the new norm for people to attend church is once a month. ONCE. A. MONTH.
And I am sad to say that this statistic is very true for many who come to Freedom.
So there's many kids who we don't get the opportunity to see each week, or twice a month even.
We have a problem that needs a solution because there's urgency there.
What's one problem that our ministry was created to solve?
How about when we are trying to reach the kids with no godly male figure in their lives--let alone a male figure? That's our problem.
What's the solution? US. We need more males in the Greenhouse to be that for these kids.
Why? What's the urgency? We don't know if they will come back next week--or ever.
We have one chance to reach these kids. To give them and show them Truth.
Wow.. What an incredible thing that we get to do by serving in the Greenhouse at Freedom.
And what's so cool, is that YOU ARE THE ONES DOING IT! By me allowing myself to get out of the way and allowing and trusting others to lead and take responsibility, to fail and succeed, it's raising others up and is carrying out the vision.
So know this.
I'm not meant to do it all. I'm meant to be in tune with God and where we're going and to find the right people to help us get there. That's you.
I am trusting you.
Lead well team. We're in this together. We have an amazing opportunity to reach ONE MORE or we have the responsibility of letting opportunities pass us by and missing out on all God has for us and this ministry.
We can do this.
All for ONE MORE.
I love you guys,
-Pastor Tiffany
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