The Greenhouse is a safe and fun place for kids to discover God! Check out what they will be discovering in 2014! So exciting!!!
GH Series
January 4
weeks “Choosing God’s Way”
February 4
weeks (Valentine’s Day Feb 14) “True Love” (website)
March 5
weeks “God’s Love through Jesus”
April 4
weeks (Easter 20th) Easter “Jesus Loves You”
May 4
weeks (Mother’s Day 11th) (Memorial Day 26th) “Trust God”
June 5
weeks (Father’s Day 15th) “Crowns”
July 4
weeks (4th of July) “Best of the Bible”
August 5
weeks “Best of the Bible”
September 4
weeks (Labor Day 1st) “God of the Underdogs”
October 4
weeks (Halloween 31st) ???
November 5
weeks (Veteran’s Day 11th) (Thanksgiving 27th) “Miracles
of Jesus” (website)
December 4
weeks (Christmas Eve 24th) (Christmas Day 25th) (New
Years Eve 31st) “Birth of Jesus” ‘Jesus is the Reason for the
Season’ (website)
Memory Verse: Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105
and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105
Love God Most of All: Adam and Eve Genesis 3 Develop an action plan that helps
them obey God TIL: ‘God wants me to obey Him out of love’ Memory Verse John 14:5
Choose Good Friends: Jonathan 1 Sam. 16:14-18:16, 20, 23:15-18 How will they be
a good and faithful friend TIL: ‘God wants me to choose good
friends who help me love God’ Memory Verse John 15:12
Be Kind and Forgiving: David Spares Saul 1 Sam. 24, 26 Plan to do something
nice for someone who has been unkind to them TIL:‘God
wants me to be kind and forgiving to everyone.’ Memory Verse Ephesians 4:32
Stand for God: Elijah on Camel 1 Kings 18 How to stand for God even against
peer pressure TIL: ‘God wants me to stand for Him no matter what others do’
Memory Verse Deut. 31:6
Lesson 1 - Love is Patient
In this first lesson, children will discover that godly
love means we can wait patiently until His blessings are revealed to us.
Lesson 2 - Love is Kind
In this lesson, children will discover how genuine love
that comes from God means we will show kindness to all people, even our
Lesson 3 - Love is Forgiving
In this lesson, the children will learn how to choose
love and forgiveness over getting even, through the Old Testament Bible story
of Joseph.
Lesson 4 - Love is Everlasting
In this lesson, the children will learn that true love,
the kind that comes from God will last forever, no matter what may come.
Week 1: Bible Story God Gives Us
Jesus—Matthew 1:18-25; 3; 4:23-25; Luke 1:11-60; 2: 1- 20
TIL: God’s love is shown in Jesus. Bible Verse “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” –1 John 4:9
TIL: God’s love is shown in Jesus. Bible Verse “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” –1 John 4:9
Week 2: Bible Story
Jesus Helps a Young Girl and a Sick Woman—Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:40-56 TIL: God’s love is kind and patient. Bible Verse “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” –1 Corinthians 13:4
Jesus Helps a Young Girl and a Sick Woman—Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:40-56 TIL: God’s love is kind and patient. Bible Verse “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” –1 Corinthians 13:4
Week 3: Bible Story Jesus Cares for a
Samaritan Woman John 4:1-42 TIL: God’s
love is for everyone. Bible Verse
“[Love] is not rude, it is not self-seeking” –1 Corinthians 13:5
“[Love] is not rude, it is not self-seeking” –1 Corinthians 13:5
Week 4: Bible Story Jesus Forgives
Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10 TIL: God’s love is forgiving. Bible Verse “[Love]
is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in
evil but rejoices with the truth.” –1 Corinthians 13:5-6
Week 5: Bible Story Jesus Lives Forever
Mark 14:27—16:20; Luke 22:47—24:53; John 21:15-17 TIL: God’s love never
fails. Bible Verse “[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes,
always perseveres. Love never fails.” –1 Corinthians 13:7-8
1. Even when you’re left out…Jesus Loves You! Luke
17:11-19 Jesus heals 10 lepers
2. Even though you’re different… Jesus Loves You! John
4:1-30 Jesus reaches out to a Samaritan Woman
3. Even though you do wrong… Jesus Loves You! Luke
22:47- 24:12 Jesus dies and comes back to life
4. Even when you don’t understand… Jesus Loves You!
John 13:1-17 Jesus Washes the disciples’ feet
Week 1: Bible Point: God
is with us, God! Bible Story: The Israelites cross the
Red Sea. (Exodus 14:1–15:21) Key Verse: "God answered, 'I will be
with you.' " (Exodus 3:12)
Week 2: Bible Point: God
gives us what we need, God! Bible Story: God provides
manna and quail. (Exodus 16) Key Verse: "For your Father knows
exactly what you need even before you ask him!" (Matthew 6:8)
Week 3: Bible Point: God
gives us strength, God! Bible Story: Israel defeats
the Amalekites. (Exodus 17:8-16) Key
Verse: "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me
strength." (Philippians 4:13)
Week 4: Bible Point: God
guides us, God! Bible Story: God gives the Ten Commandments.
(Exodus 20) Key Verse: "I will bless the Lord who guides me."
(Psalm 16:7)
(TIL: I can get a –title of each message) 
Memory Verse “Those who look to Him are radiant” psalm
1. Crown of Victory 1 Cor 9:25 Given to those who work
hard for God, not themselves.
2. Crown of Life James 1:12 Given to those who trust
God during difficult times of trial.
3. Crown of Rejoicing 1 Thess 2:19 Given to those who
tell others about Jesus.
4. Crown of Glory 1 Peter 5:4 Given to those who are
humble servant leaders.
5. Crown of Righteousness 2 Tim 4:8 Given to those who
are actively preparing for Jesus’ return.
Week 1: Noahs Ark
Week 2: Birth of Moses and Moses Parts Red Sea
Week 3: Sacrifice of Isaac
Week 4: Burning Bush
Week 5: Battle of Jericho
Week 6: David and Goliath
Week 7: Shad, Mesh, Abed
Week 8: Daniel and Lions Den
Week 9: Jonah and Whale
1) What is an underdog?, 2) Gideon, 3) David, 4) Paul
TIL: God created me on purpose, for a purpose!
of Jesus:
(check website) (TIL:Jesus did great things and I can do!)
Week 1 - Water
Into Wine In this lesson, children learn that the Lord cares
about all of our needs, however seemingly insignificant, when He turns the
ordinary into the exceptional for His glory.
Week 2 - The Great Catch Through this lesson children learn that we can accomplish so much more in life when we include God in everything we do. The Holy Spirit, prayer, and Bible reading empower both our physical and spiritual lives.
Week 3 - Jesus Heals a Paralytic Through this lesson, children learn that Jesus is more concerned with our spiritual condition than He is with our physical well being.
Week 4 - Jesus Feeds Five Thousand Through this lesson, children learn that Jesus is able and willing to supply both our physical and spiritual needs. We need to be careful not to waste the blessings the Lord provides and utilize these gifts to the best of our abilities.
Week 5 - Jesus Walks on Water Through this lesson, children will learn that there will be times in life when our faith is tested. Life will not always be easy, and we will need to let our faith in God help keep us afloat during the difficult times in our lives.
Week 2 - The Great Catch Through this lesson children learn that we can accomplish so much more in life when we include God in everything we do. The Holy Spirit, prayer, and Bible reading empower both our physical and spiritual lives.
Week 3 - Jesus Heals a Paralytic Through this lesson, children learn that Jesus is more concerned with our spiritual condition than He is with our physical well being.
Week 4 - Jesus Feeds Five Thousand Through this lesson, children learn that Jesus is able and willing to supply both our physical and spiritual needs. We need to be careful not to waste the blessings the Lord provides and utilize these gifts to the best of our abilities.
Week 5 - Jesus Walks on Water Through this lesson, children will learn that there will be times in life when our faith is tested. Life will not always be easy, and we will need to let our faith in God help keep us afloat during the difficult times in our lives.
Week 1 - Gabriel Visits Mary After
completing this Christmas lesson, children will learn that God has great things
in store for all of us as we live lives that are pleasing to Him.
Week 2 - Joseph's Dream This Christmas lesson will teach the children the importance of living a righteous life and how we must always allow God to lead us through the difficult times we will encounter.
Week 2 - Joseph's Dream This Christmas lesson will teach the children the importance of living a righteous life and how we must always allow God to lead us through the difficult times we will encounter.
Week 3 - Journey
to Bethlehem This Christmas lesson will teach the
children that although many things have changed throughout the ages one thing
has not changed during all of this time. The good news that Jesus came into
this world because God loves us.
Week 4 - Visit of the Magi This Christmas lesson teaches children that it is natural and expected to worship Jesus. Wise men and women throughout the ages have made Jesus their Lord and Savior.
Week 4 - Visit of the Magi This Christmas lesson teaches children that it is natural and expected to worship Jesus. Wise men and women throughout the ages have made Jesus their Lord and Savior.
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