Monday, November 25, 2013

Tuesday with Tiff: Guess who I'm thankful for!!!???

It's true... when I think about who I'm thankful for...
Because of your faithfulness and willingness to serve with excellence...
Because you know what it means to host families into our home and provide a safe and fun place for kiddos to discover God, I'm SO...
And I couldn't do this without you... no warm bodies will do.. you were created on purpose for a purpose and God called you to this role so remember...
When I think about all of the ways you have blessed me.. I'm so...
And when you get spit up on, bit, a booger wiped on you.. please know...
And when you get blessing after blessing poured out on you because you know a child trusts and loves you... know that I'm so eternally..
And for all those times you come early, stay late, fill in, or serve more than once.. your time is so precious and important to me and I am so very..
And for all of those crafts, games, stories, and questions with answers gone wrong, know that
For those times you didn't get any sleep and you may not feel the greatest but you know that your role is so important.. that some child may not be or feel loved that day if you didn't serve..
For those times you worship and get all crazy or sweet and sentimental with the kids, know that they are watching you.. they are looking for Jesus in you.. and for that, I'm..
For those times kids come running in knowing a memory verse (which hides Gods word in their heart), or a child cries because they don't want to leave, or a child is crying when they arrive but then with your care they realize that they are ok...
For those times, you feel like what you're doing couldn't possibly be making any difference, but you serve anyway..
And for those days that you allow God to do an amazing work in and through you and you don't miss any opportunities to make a difference... know that
So I hope you get the idea that....

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