Monday, November 25, 2013

Tuesday with Tiff: Guess who I'm thankful for!!!???

It's true... when I think about who I'm thankful for...
Because of your faithfulness and willingness to serve with excellence...
Because you know what it means to host families into our home and provide a safe and fun place for kiddos to discover God, I'm SO...
And I couldn't do this without you... no warm bodies will do.. you were created on purpose for a purpose and God called you to this role so remember...
When I think about all of the ways you have blessed me.. I'm so...
And when you get spit up on, bit, a booger wiped on you.. please know...
And when you get blessing after blessing poured out on you because you know a child trusts and loves you... know that I'm so eternally..
And for all those times you come early, stay late, fill in, or serve more than once.. your time is so precious and important to me and I am so very..
And for all of those crafts, games, stories, and questions with answers gone wrong, know that
For those times you didn't get any sleep and you may not feel the greatest but you know that your role is so important.. that some child may not be or feel loved that day if you didn't serve..
For those times you worship and get all crazy or sweet and sentimental with the kids, know that they are watching you.. they are looking for Jesus in you.. and for that, I'm..
For those times kids come running in knowing a memory verse (which hides Gods word in their heart), or a child cries because they don't want to leave, or a child is crying when they arrive but then with your care they realize that they are ok...
For those times, you feel like what you're doing couldn't possibly be making any difference, but you serve anyway..
And for those days that you allow God to do an amazing work in and through you and you don't miss any opportunities to make a difference... know that
So I hope you get the idea that....

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday with Tiff: All for ONE MORE

  • A child who has never been to church before was experiencing Jesus in our K-4 worship and couldn't wait to jump in and participate and learn what it means to give God your all.
  • A child who runs up to their parent after class is over and says, "We HAVE to come back here!"
  • Kids who ask if there will be any free time because they want to read Bibles together.
  • Families who will contact me after a service saying, "I just wanted to let you know that we have been a part of many churches and we've never been to a church that had a secure check in with a team of people who authentically looked excited that we were there."
  • Little boys in the toddler class that sometimes can't focus.. until a male leader comes in, worships with them, prays with them, plays with them, and reads with Word of God to them. Then they're all ears and can't wait to participate.
  • Kids who can't wait to come back to church.. not because of the fun worship, or the games, or the cool Bible message.. but because they can't wait to see their leader who pours into them each and every week.
  • And then those same kids who invite friend after friend, just so they can meet that leader.
  • A child who says, "My other church was so lame and boring but here we actually learn about God and it's fun and we worship! Did you see me raising my hands?"
  • A parent who finally gets up the courage to leave their infant with us for the first time and comes back to see that the baby has been well taken care of and loved on.
  • Babies you have seen grow through the worship set---starting young just by holding the "world" ball as they sing He's Got the Whole World in His hands but in just a few months, they are now waving the ball in the air with smiles.
  • 99% of the time ALWAYS having atleast ONE person give their life over to Christ.
  • A 4th grader who fills out a prayer card at the end of small group time asking for prayer for their friend who's dad just committed suicide and wants prayer for that friend to know that God loves them.
  • An overflow of kids asking if they can be jr. worship leaders because they want to be good examples of what it means to live for God and give Him their all in worship.
  • Leaders who BEG to serve more than once because they see the life change happening in the kids they get to serve with.
  • A new preschooler is sitting in small group time and the leader is asking about what God gave us to show his love to us and the other children say "Jesus" and the leader says, "that's right, God sent Jesus to die for you and me." The new preschooler looks confused so the leader asks them if they have ever heard that before. "No." The first opportunity this child had to hear about Jesus coming to live and die for them.
  • A new family comes to church and sits in the back row: Mom, Dad, and 3 young kids about the ages of 2-5. During adult worship, the kids see Freedom family raising their hands and closing their eyes as a they sing. The oldest child looks over at the 2 younger siblings and they raise their hands so he raises his. He looks over at mom and dad who aren't. He stands up on his chair next to mom and grabs her hands and puts them up in the air. He then goes over to dad and raises his hands and then the boy goes back to stand on his seat with his hands raised. A new family of 5 getting in the posture to surrender it all to God.
These are just a few "Wins" that keep our perspective of "ONE MORE."

It's all to reach one more... to make a difference.. to make someone's day and be Jesus to them.. to show others love and gain their trust.. to see them live for God.. to see them turn their life over to Him.

Know that what you're doing is making a difference... WHAT YOU DO MATTERS. Lives are being changed because of your faithfulness.

-Honored to serve alongside you,
-Pastor Tiffany

Saturday, November 9, 2013


  • 6:30pm until 8:00pm
  • Let's come together to celebrate all God has done this year by having a white elephant gift exchange and cookie/dessert exchange!

    BUT THATS NOT ALL! An award will be presented for UGLIEST CHRISTMAS SWEATER! So come decked out!

    Cookie/dessert exchange rules: bring 3-4 dozen cookies so each person can take 2-3 samples of your goody home with them. Bring 30 copies of the recipe. Bring a container for you to take home all your samples. ...

    White Elephant Gift Exchange: bring a new wrapped item to be exchanged that is valued at $10 (no gift cards). Please do not mark this item that you brought it so it's anonymous. Rules for stealing of items will be explained that evening. (You can choose not to participate in this and that's totally fine! Everyone who brings a gift will also receive a gift!)

    This will be a really fun evening for us to just hang out and end the year well and united and get ready to launch a new year!

    Light snacks and drinks will be provided!

    AND--Your spouses and kids are invited to join!

    **Kids can also be a part of their own gift exchange if you want them to participate! So have them bring an item valued at only $5 that is new and wrapped to be exchanged.

    ***Spouses are welcome to jump in on the gift exchange fun by participating in bringing and then receiving a gift as well!
  • Tuesday, November 5, 2013

    4 Weeks into Freedom's New Journey

    As we are now 4 weeks into this amazing journey we have embarked on to reach ONE MORE, I just want to say...


    Thank you so much for all of your commitment to serving above and beyond to love on these kids and make sure we have a place for them! But even more than that, Thank you for your JOY that you have about serving... you are all so selfless and it means so much!

    Since we have a few weeks under our belt, we will be able to adjust the number of team members serving in each area, especially on Saturdays, until our numbers start picking up more. So those of you who are serving more than once, some of you 3 times, never fear! I will NOT allow you to become burnt out.

    I know you all have such gracious hearts and love to serve, and I'm so blessed by that, but as promised, by Jan 1, everyone will only be serving once, UNLESS you WANT to serve twice. I care way too much about you to see your bright lights go dim :) These kids need you.. the best you.

    So again, thank you all for serving with excellence and making the kick off of our "Night Shift" services GREAT for these kiddos we get the honor of serving!

    -In this together,
    Pastor Tiffany