"We've never done it that way before."
"Let's require parents to serve." Instead: Let's share vision and our love for serving, invite and pray for the workers.
"They won't notice...they're just kids." Instead: Let's serve them with excellence. They're depending on us.
"Are you a visitor?" Instead: It's so great having you here today! Remind me of your name.
"No one wants to volunteer." Instead: Everyone has to give into the gentle nudge of God to step out and serve. Many are waiting to be asked and to find their sweet spot.
"You've been in the church a long time and I know you. You can serve without having a background check." Instead: We want to be a safe place and we have to protect our kids.
"You lost your security tag? That's okay, go ahead. We'll let you through without it." Instead: Everyone must have their tags on and parents must have their tags to pick up their kids.
"I don't know...I'm just a volunteer...ask a staff member." Instead: Take ownership of the ministry you serve in. Represent it well and answer and lead as well as you can but direct them to someone else if you are unsure.
"Your child acted bad in class today. You need to get control of him." Instead: When the parent comes, tell them that there were some issues today with xyz. This is how we dealt with it. But he was very good with xyz. Can't wait to have him back next week!
"There's too much going on to take any time off." Instead: You are a valuable team member and we appreciate and depend on you. But we know you invest consistently and we know that life happens. Ministry will continue for a service or 2 without you. But know that we and the kids will miss you greatly because of the relationships we have formed.
Which of these do you agree or not agree with? What other phrases should we never say in Children's Ministry?
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