Most people would say leading worship for kids is totally different than leading for adults. I disagree. I have heard and seen people who lead for adults that are unable to lead for kids? Is adult worship leading really that different from kid worship leading? No.
The biggest difference you will find as you move from kids, to youth, lastly to adults is that you can get away with a lot more the older the crowd. The stuff you get away with when leading for adults won’t cut it for youth ministry, and what you can do for youth ministry doesn’t work in kids ministry
Here are a few things every worship leader can do to be successful no matter what the age of the kids you are leading.
1. Open your eyes – You are leading you can’t lead what you can’t see. Closing your eyes to much breaks the connection you need with those you are leading.
2. If you have the mic LEAD - Nothing worse than tentative leadership. Lead strong.
3. IF you talk at all make sure its about the greatness of Jesus not trying to get those you are leading to do what you want.
4. Have LOTS of energy. – If you feel stupid you are probably doing something right.
5. Smile – no one wants an emo worship leader
6. Know the words -
7. Practice during the week not before church.
8. Remember worship is about Jesus not you. – You want people to leave thinking about the greatness of Jesus not the quality of your voice or the skill of the band.
9. You can’t lead people to where you have never been. – Be a worshiper yourself.
LOOOOVE :) So excited for the new worship set up!!! :)