Thursday, August 16, 2012

10 Books you MUST get your hands on!

For Spiritual Growth:

1. Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman
2. Leading on Empty  by Wayne Cordeiro
3. Crazy Love by Frances Chan
4. Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick
5. The Bible--a version you can understand... supplemental books are great but let's learn from the best example there is!

For Leadership Growth:

1. 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader by John Maxwell
2. Lead Vertically by Craig Johnson
3. The Cause Within You by Matthew Barnett 
4. Making Your Children's Ministry the Best Hour of Every Kids Week by Sue Miller
5 (and 6.. I couldn't just pick one) The Growing Leader: Healthy Essentials for Children's Ministry and Leadership Essentials for Children's Ministry both by Craig Jutila

The links for these are the cheapest I could find them for you, all between $.75 and $5. A leader is a reader!

For Spiritual Growth:

1. Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman
2. Leading on Empty by Wayne Cordeiro
3. Crazy Love by Frances Chan
4. Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick
5. The Bible--a version you can understand... supplemental books are great but let's learn from the best example there is! I personally love the NLT version

For Leadership Growth:

1. 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader by John Maxwell
2. Lead Vertically by Craig Johnson
3. The Cause Within You by Matthew Barnett
4. Making Your Children's Ministry the Best Hour of Every Kids Week
5 (and 6.. I couldn't just pick one) The Growing Leader: Healthy Essentials for Children's Ministry and Leadership Essentials for Children's Ministry both by Craig Jutila, and

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