Saturday, April 28, 2012

Take the GH to a new level with a 3x5 card

A mentor of mine gave this idea and I love it!!!

Take Your Chidren's Ministry to a New Level with a 3x5 Card

Would you like to improve your Children's Ministry? Here's a simple step that will bring you big results.
  • Carry a 3x5 card with you when ministry is taking place.
  • Intentionally look for ways to make improvements.
  • When you have a thought, write it down immediately on the 3x5 card.
  • The next day, transfer the notes from your 3x5 card to your do list.
If you do this week in and week out, you will see your Children's Ministry go to a new level.

I have a long list of improvement notes I wrote down this past weekend. Our Children's Ministry will be better next week because of it.

Just think, even if you only write down one thing a week and improve it...your Children's Ministry will be 52 times better a year from now. <----BAM!

1 comment:

  1. From Le Ann: This is a great idea...I think I will start implementing it next week!
