Saturday, April 28, 2012

Children's Ministries that are growing usually have these 8 traits.

Senior leadership makes Children's Ministry a high priority.
An overall church culture of volunteerism.
A willingness to change and adapt.
Focused on doing a few things with excellence.
Excellent costumer service.
A heart for the unchurched.
A clear strategy for assimilation and discipleship.

A "we don't's a God-thing...we're growing in spite of ourselves" attitude.

What can we do to be better in these areas? What can we do to continue to grow this ministry as Freedom grows? We have to keep up---or even ahead of it!

Learning Styles

God loves variety. Think of all the wonderful varieties of plants, animals, colors, and fish He created. Think about all the different types of people He created. It would be boring if we were all the same! He also created kids with a variety of learning styles.

The effective Children's Ministry recognizes this and seeks to engage all learning styles.

Linguistic Learners have sensitivity to the meaning and order of words. They use an expanded vocabulary. They respond to jokes, riddles, reading, writing, telling stories, and word games.

Logical-Mathematical Learners like reasoning, patterns, and order. They want to know how things work, ask lots of questions, and collect things. They respond to puzzles, blocks, and counting devices.

Bodily-Kinesthetic Learners enjoy sports and physical activity. They respond to body language, dance, acting, and active games.

Musical Learners are sensitive to pitch, melody, rhythm, and tone. They love to listen to and play music, sing, hum, move to rhythm, and create tunes.

Spatial Learners perceive the world accurately and recreate or transform aspects of that world. They like to doodle, paint, draw, build with blocks, puzzles, mazes, and taking things apart and putting them back together again.

Naturalist Learners recognize and classify the numerous species of an environment. They like to spend time outdoors observing plants, collecting rocks, and catching insects. They love nature.

Interpersonal Learners are all about people and relationships. They have many friends. They are good mediators and team players. They enjoy group games and discussions.

Intrapersonal Learners use their emotional life to understand themselves and others. They control their feeling and emotions. They do a lot of observing and listening. They do best when working alone. They enjoy cameras, drawing pads, journals and questions about their experiences and emotions.

How to use the learning styles...

Make a grid with the above learning styles. As you prepare your lesson, run it through the grid and incorporate as many learning styles as possible. Over the course of a few lessons, you should hit all the learning styles.

Here's an example. Let's take the story of Jonah and the Whale and run it through the grid.

Linguistic – Dramatically tell the story to them. Then have them re-tell it to someone else in the room.

Logical-Mathematical – Have them put together a puzzle of Jonah and the Whale.

Bodily-Kinesthetic - Have them act out the story.

Musical – Sing a song about the story.

Spatial – Have them draw a picture of the story.

Naturalist – Bring some seaweed for them to touch or a picture of a large fish for them to look at.

Interpersonal – Have them play a group game and discuss the story with friends.

Intrapersonal – Ask them questions and have them draw pictures about how they would have felt if they were Jonah.

Your teachers will have a tendency to teach out of their own learning style because it's their comfort zone. Challenge them to engage all learning styles. When that happens children will be excited about coming to church because they will be learning in style...their style, that is!

How do you incorporate learning styles into your lessons?
What are some creative things you have done with some of these learning styles?

Take the GH to a new level with a 3x5 card

A mentor of mine gave this idea and I love it!!!

Take Your Chidren's Ministry to a New Level with a 3x5 Card

Would you like to improve your Children's Ministry? Here's a simple step that will bring you big results.
  • Carry a 3x5 card with you when ministry is taking place.
  • Intentionally look for ways to make improvements.
  • When you have a thought, write it down immediately on the 3x5 card.
  • The next day, transfer the notes from your 3x5 card to your do list.
If you do this week in and week out, you will see your Children's Ministry go to a new level.

I have a long list of improvement notes I wrote down this past weekend. Our Children's Ministry will be better next week because of it.

Just think, even if you only write down one thing a week and improve it...your Children's Ministry will be 52 times better a year from now. <----BAM!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Job Descriptions

Nursery 0-12 months

GOAL: To care for infants and crawlers in a loving, safe, and fun environment while they start to Discover Jesus.
o   Be ready to serve by the 8:30/10:30 pre-service team meeting
o   Serve from 8:40-10:40am or 10:40-12:40pm in your GH Shirt/laynard
o   Be faithful to your serving position and faithful to attend service
o   Attend Monthly Team Meetings and 2 yearly trainings
o   Care for children by checking and changing each child’s diaper and disinfecting toys after service. Love and build on relationships with each other and the kids. Keep the area safe and secure. Help them discover Jesus through a song, story or activity.
o   Contact CORE leader: for any needs & concerns, including scheduling conflicts

Nursery 1-2 years

GOAL: To care for infants and crawlers in a loving, safe, and fun environment while they start to Discover Jesus.
o   Be ready to serve by the 8:30/10:30 pre-service team meeting
o   Serve from 8:40-10:40am or 10:40-12:40pm in your GH Shirt/laynard
o   Be faithful to your serving position and faithful to attend service
o   Attend Monthly Team Meetings and 2 yearly trainings
o   Care for children by checking and changing each child’s diaper and disinfecting toys after service. Love and build on relationships with each other and the kids. Keep the area safe and secure. Help them discover Jesus through a song, story or activity.
o   Contact CORE leader: for any needs & concerns, including scheduling conflicts


Card Connectors

GOAL: To help kids DISCOVER a loving, safe, fun environment while being a reflection of Jesus.

o   This is one of the most important ministries of the Greenhouse. Kids love getting mail and this is a great way to connect with them by sending birthday cards, get well cards, we miss you cards and first time visitor cards.
o   Kids and their families feel loved and cared for when they are noticed.
o   Cards and stamps will be provided for you.
o   Attend any Team Meetings and 2 yearly trainings.
o   Contact Courtney Baldwin

Check-IN / Greeter

GOAL: To be filled with welcoming excitement to help kids enter a place to DISCOVER a loving, safe, fun environment while being a reflection of Jesus.
o   Serve from 8:40-10:40am or 10:40-12:40pm in your GH Shirt/laynard
o   Be ready to serve by the 8:30/10:30 pre-service team meeting
o   Be faithful to your serving position and faithful to attend service
o   Attend any Team Meetings & 2 yearly trainings
o   Each child must be signed in & out on the computer by YOU.
o   Give parents, kids and belongings bracelets/tags that need to be returned at check out.
o   Explain to parents how they will be contacted if they are needed and what they will do to check their child out.
o   Host will escort new families to a tour of the GH.
o   Contact Pastor Tiffany for any needs & concerns, including scheduling conflicts


 K-2nd Small Group

GOAL: To help kids DISCOVER a loving, safe, fun environment while being a reflection of Jesus.
o   Serve from 8:40-10:40am or 10:40-12:40pm in your GH Shirt/laynard
o   Be ready to serve by the 8:30/10:30 pre-service team meeting
o   Be faithful to your serving position and faithful to attend service
o   Attend Monthly Team Meetings and Five  5th Sunday Team Meetings & 2 yearly trainings
o   Pastor Tiffany Teaches, I REACH! It’s all about relationships and leading kids through age appropriate activities to help the message go deeper.
o   We want kids to be excited to enter the GH and excited to invite their friends and excited to come back the next week. One Sunday could be their one and only Sunday to hear about Jesus-what will you do with it?
o   Contact CORE leader:  for any needs & concerns, including scheduling conflicts

3-4th Small Group

GOAL: To help kids DISCOVER a loving, safe, fun environment while being a reflection of Jesus.
o   Serve from 8:40-10:40am or 10:40-12:40pm in your GH Shirt/laynard
o   Be ready to serve by the 8:30/10:30 pre-service team meeting
o   Be faithful to your serving position and faithful to attend service
o   Attend Monthly Team Meetings and Five  5th Sunday Team Meetings & 2 yearly trainings
o   Pastor Tiffany Teaches, I REACH! It’s all about relationships and leading kids through age appropriate activities to help the message go deeper.
o   We want kids to be excited to enter the GH and excited to invite their friends and excited to come back the next week. One Sunday could be their one and only Sunday to hear about Jesus-what will you do with it?
Contact CORE leader:  for any needs & concerns, including scheduling conflicts 

Pre-K (potty trained & 3-5 years)

GOAL: To help preschoolers DISCOVER a loving, safe, fun environment while being a reflection of Jesus.
o   Serve from 8:40-10:40am or 10:40-12:40pm in your GH Shirt/laynard
o   Be ready to serve by the 8:30/10:30 pre-service team meeting
o   Be faithful to your serving position and faithful to attend service
o   Attend Monthly Team Meetings and Five  5th Sunday Team Meetings & 2 yearly trainings
o   Pastor Tiffany Teaches, I REACH! It’s all about relationships and leading kids through age appropriate structured activities to help the message go deeper.
o   We want kids to be excited to enter the GH and excited to invite their friends and excited to come back the next week. One Sunday could be their one and only Sunday to hear about Jesus-what will you do with it?
o   Contact CORE leader: for any needs & concerns, including scheduling conflicts

Organizing your Nursery

How does your room set-up help parents, volunteers, and kids all feel at ease?

~Organize your room by areas.  Keep like items together. You probably have a lot of bulky items for your infants and crawlers: cribs, swings, bouncers, high chairs, and chairs. Place bigger items on the perimeter of the room. Create one space in the middle of the room for toys and blankets. This helps avoid injury and shows parents you've got a plan to care for their children and nurture their faith.
~Keep the diaper station in view and stocked.  Have the area stocked with necessary supplies. Having these things available in the room assures parents that their kids are in good hands. Making necessary processes like diaper changing smoother means your volunteers will have more time to grow in kids' faith.

~Do a toy check.  Check that you don't have too many toys in the room. Either 1 year olds plus too many toys quickly equalls a disaster zone! Organize toys logically in baskets on shelves or bigger items on the floor. Parents see through the windows that you take care of the toys- and that communicates you'll take care of their kids, too. Take a look at the available toys in the room and see what you have that could be used as informal faith-building tools for stories and songs.
~Manage supplies well.  Try to keep supplies up to date in the room and this will help keep volunteers happy. Best of all, parents will see how central spiritual development is to your ministry. After all, you're not just babysitting.

~You don't need to have all of the toys out at once... maybe create stations or only pull a basket or 2 down at a time.
~The GH is a safe and fun place for kids to discover God. Let's do our best to make the most of every opportunity while we are with the kids to make sure we are doing these 3 things.
         *Safe: holding children safely, cleaning up toys so adults and kids don't have tripping hazards, changing and checking diapers, not taking children out of room, taking off shoes that might hurt little fingers, etc...
         *Fun: Interacting with kids on their level, engaging them, knowing their name, loving on them, etc...
         *Discover God: We aren't a babysitting service, we are a place for kids to grow. Let's sing songs with them, read them a story or play a game with them... anything that teaches them about Jesus' love, forgiveness, and character.

What other ways do you see that we can improve the nursery and time with the kids? Comment!

W.A.R.M Leaders

Let's Be W.A.R.M. Leaders!

From the moment children come into the Greenhouse, we want them to feel the warmth of God's love. Remember this acronym to remind yourself of attitudes and actions that will guide kids to a thriving relationship with Jesus.

W elcoming Spirit: To communicate that kids are welcome, greet them by name with enthusiasm and kind words.

A ctive Participation: Kids notice when adults sit around the edges of the room and don't get involved. So ensure you're actively involved in all experiences.

R elationship Building: Kids will open up if they know you are care for them. Ask about their week. Listen intently. Communicate during the week via text, mail, email, or a phone call.

M odeling Jesus: For some kids, you may be the only person to show them how to follow Jesus. What they witness in you will influence their ideas about Christian behavior in general.

What about you???

What do you want to learn more about? What have you always wanted more training or info on? What would you like to see posted on here? Comment on this article to let me know!

The Greenhouse is a place to grow... let's grow together!

Why do we have a blog?

Well, let me tell ya!!! :) The goal of this blog is to provide you with on-going training and tips because a leader is always growing... never stops learning... has never arrived and can always pursue excellence a little bit more.

In this blog, I will post articles and videos to provide you with on-going training that you will be able to do at your own time... because we all know we're all busy with EVERYTHING!

We want to see consistent, joyful, and always growing leaders in the GH.

I love, value and appreciate you as a Greenhouse team member so much! Without you, we wouldn't be able to offer this ministry to parents... so they can worship in a distraction-free environment while they know their kids are Discovering God in a safe and fun place!

We're in this together...
Pastor Tiffany