Monday, August 11, 2014

Tuesday with Tiff: short and sweet!

Hey Team!!!

I'm excited to meet with you all at our 3rd Thursday All Team meeting on the 21st! At that time you will know who your go-to person is going forward!!!

Also, Small Group Rally weekend is the weekend of the 23rd and it's SO vital that you all get plugged into a small group! Serving with each other is great but connecting outside of a service is so important! Please do your best to find a group that interests you and fits your schedule :)

Also, on Saturday the 23rd is our Turkey Run family outing and I'm looking forward to many of you going! YAY FOR OFFSITE FUN!!!!

That's all I have for this week.. just a quick update!

I love you all!!!

In this together,
Pastor Tiffany

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