Monday, June 30, 2014

Tuesday with Tiff: READY.. SET.. GO!

Alright Team! Here we go!!!

This weekend we kick off our new way of helping these kiddos discover God in a safe and fun place!

Helping our kids that we get the honor of serving has become easier than ever! If you haven't, please download the FREE "Lead Small" app! Please be WELL PREPARED to lead your kids with the curriculum given through this app. If you would like a printed copy, we must know this by noon on Thursdays. Remember, YOU ARE PASTORING THESE KIDS. WE are responsible and held accountable for what we are teaching them and how well we are preparing for the harvest God brings our way each week! This material is so much easier for us to effectively reach the kids, but we must do our parents in preparing throughout the week by reading through the material and knowing it well!

Here are some things for us to remember and enforce:
*All kids MUST wear name tags the whole time.
       If you find that a child is messing with the name tag, please simply move the tag to their back where they can not reach it. If a tag becomes unusable, please go to the check in station to have the check in team print a new tag. Name tags are important for us to know the kids names and for the number in the grey box which matches their parents. If for any reason we need to reach a parent, they should be informed at check in that this number will appear up on the screen. (If you need to reach a parent, simply take the child down to the check in station and one of the team members will inform the Production team of this and will put the number up on the screen.)
*No food or drink in Pre-K through 4th grade rooms.
       We have many food allergies in the Greenhouse. We want to provide a clean and safe place for the kids. We will do our best to stop any food or drinks from entering the GH at the check in kiosks, but if for some reason we miss some and you see a child in your classroom with food or drinks (water included) please dispose of it or have them finish it out in the hallway.
*Once In, You're In.
      We must all help eachother do a better job of keeping this system in place. Once a child is checked in, they become our responsibility and they must enter the GH immediately. We have to ensure kids are not getting checked in but then are not entering right away so they can go get a donut, etc.
*Pre-K to Room 205
       Starting this week, remember that the preschoolers will be moved across the hall into Room 205. What does this mean if you currently serve in the Preschool room or in 3-4th grade? You will need to grab any supplies/games that you need prior to service starting and put what you need in your new space and then put it back following service.
*Bathroom Breaks
       Because Room 204 upstairs will be available, please utilize those bathrooms IF you must take a child to the potty. BUT, if that room is being used by a small group, please continue taking the kids downstairs to the womens restrooms. As always, keep bathroom breaks to a minimum so they can get as much of Jesus as possible!
*Name Badges.
       In pre-service meetings this week, you will receive your name badge. You are responsible for this name badge, just like your WE SERVE shirt that you are asked to wear each week. Please mark your name badge with Miss ______ or Mr _______.
*K-4 in Room 201
      Starting this week, we are going to try something. We are going to have a few rows of chairs set up. We will have a pretty good size gap between rows for free-style worship but this will hopefully create a more distinguished area for the kids during worship and the message.
*Traffic Flow & Safety
      Let's all work together to help our traffic flow get back to the right way. Parents should only be entering through the check in stairs and exiting through the otherside. Those exit stairs should never be used as an entrance for parents or kids. Also, there have been parents coming through the GH during service. If you ever see someone not in a We Serve shirt in our area, PLEASE STOP THEM and ask how you can help them. We want to keep our kids safe and want to personally escort parents through our areas if at all possible.
*Pre and Post Service Check Lists
       You are all doing a fabulous job of keeping the rooms clean and put together! Just remember to check the framed checklists in your rooms for specific instructions on the expectations of the rooms.

Thank you all for helping us kick off new things in the Greenhouse WELL!

On this journey together,
Pastor Tiffany

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