Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Worship in the Nursery... is it boring? repetitive?

Why do we do the same 5 songs in the Nursery?

"It's so repetitive and boring" I have heard. Here's why we do the songs we do with the infants and toddlers:

1. Jesus Loves Me (Because when they get older and they feel that no one loves them, they can remember that Jesus does)
2. He's Got the Whole World in His Hands (Because when they feel their whole world crashing down and nothing is going right, He's got the whole world in His hands)
3.Praise Ye the Lord (Hallelujah) (Because even when their world is crashing down around them, they can remember that we can praise Him through everything)
4.This Little Light of Mine (Because we have a purpose in this life and can make a difference by shining bright, not hiding it, and not giving up)
5.The B-I-B-L-E (Because everything stands on this, it's our firm foundation!)
So yes, we want it to be repetitive... we want these words hidden in their heart. We get an amazing opportunity to reach this generation, even as infants, in a way that many adults didn't have the privilege of having until their adult lives. We have to make the most of the opportunity to teach these kiddos a firm foundation and Godly beliefs because we don't know what they deal with during the week or where their path will lead later in life. So what may be repetitive and boring to us, it's a strong message that they might only be hearing in a short 10 minutes once a week--if they come every week. Some of the kids have never heard these or their truths.
We are starting to implement a new 6th song that will be on rotation in the nurseries, but as far as who the Greenhouse is and what we want the kiddos to leave with.. we want them to know that Jesus loves them, He's got he whole world in His hands, we can praise Him through anything, we have a light to shine bright and a purpose in life, and that the Bible is our firm foundation and truth for us.
So thank you Nursery team for investing into the kids through a message each week, consistent relationships, and worshipping with them in a very real way!
-Pastor Tiffany

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