Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday with Tiff: Leadership is Influence

Leadership is influence. Each one of us is both influencing and being influenced by others. That means that all of us are leading in some areas while in other areas we are being led. No one is excluded from being a leader or a follower.

You have great influence, specifically regarding your role in the Greenhouse. Others are counting on you and looking up to you, kids and fellow team members. You are needed and valued!

The issue is not whether you influence someone. What needs to be settled is what kind of influencer you will be.

I love this poem... makes me want to strive for more!

"The Little Chap Who Follows Me"
A careful man I want to be;
A little fellow follows me.
I do not dare to go astray
For fear he'll go the self same way.

I cannot once escape his eyes,
Whate'er he sees me do, he tries.
Like me he says he's going to be;
The little chap who follows me.

He thinks that I'm so very fine,
Believes in every word of mine.
The base in me he must not see;
The little chap who follows me.

I must remember as I go
Through summer's sun and winter's snow,
I'm building for the years to be;
The little chap who follows me.

A Leader is an influencer and that obtains followers and people who depend on you-kids and team members.

There have been meetings of only a moment which left impressions for life, for eternity. No one can understand that mysterious thing we call influence... yet... everyone of us continually exerts influence, either to heal, to bless, to leave marks of beauty; or to wound, to hurt, to poison, to stain other lives.

We all have influence which means you are a leader in this ministry. The kids, the families, the team, Freedom, and God are counting on you.

What kind of influencer will you be?

Love You All,
Pastor Tiffany

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