Monday, June 3, 2013

Why You Should Talk to Kids like Adults

Why do we talk down to kids?  I think we forget they are people. 

I have found that the best way to communicate with a child is to talk with him or her just like I would an adult.  Kids respond better to this than using "baby talk."  

This even works with preschoolers.  This past weekend, I was brought a 4 year old who "didn't want to stay in class."  I sat down with him and asked him point blank, "Are you a big kid?"  

He quickly answered "yes."  I then said, "You're not a baby.  You're a big kid.  Why don't you act your age and go into your class with the other big kids."

It clicked and he went into the room.  If I had babied him, I think the opposite would have happened.  

Of course, I am not talking about using big words or ever being harsh or unkind.  Our words should always be spoken with love and care.

The bottom line is this:  Treat kids with honor and respect.  Reflect this in your tone of voice and words and they will respond.

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