Thursday, December 27, 2012

A look into 2013

January we will be starting off the year strong with our STAND STRONG series! Then we'll focus on how God's LOVE for us helps us use that strength in February. Then we'll learn how to use that love to reach ONE MORE--the alone, hurting, and searching and realized it's our mission in life-it's what we're all about!

Then April we'll be going through our HEAVEN IS FOR REAL series and----then the rest is a surprise---but it's exciting!!!! A teaser though... relationships, book of Luke, serving series, and God using ordinary people to do extraordinary things!
I'm so excited for all things 2013 and I'm even more excited to be on the journey with you to love on these kids in a safe and fun environment where they'll discover Jesus with YOUR help! :o)
Love and appreciate you all!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Team!


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I want to personally thank you for being a part of the Greenhouse Children's Ministry family. It's an honor to invest in you. And thank you for investing back into this ministry. I have learned so much this year from you!

Thank you for your passion, commitment, and love for reaching the next generation. Thank you for giving yourself week in and week out for kids and families. You are a difference maker.

I'm believing with you that 2013 is going to be your best ministry year ever. I look forward with anticipation to what God is going to do in us and through us.

Your Friend in Ministry,

3 Simple Words That Will Help You Have That Difficult Conversation

Do you dread or totally avoid difficult conversations? Many people do. But they are necessary at times.

You can improve your ability to have difficult conversations. In fact, here's 3 simple words that can help you navigate even the most tense situations.

State the FACT.

Share how it makes you FEEL.

Explain what you'd like to change or adjust in the FUTURE.

Here's an example of using these three words.
You have a volunteer that is being brash and rude to parents when they come to pick up their kids. You've received several complaints. You know you need to have a conversation with the person.

(state the fact) John, I've had several parents say you are rude to them when they come to pick up their child. I stood by the door last week when parents were picking up and I did notice you were abrupt with several parents.

(share how it makes you feel) When you do this, it makes parents feel like you don't care about them or value them. And it makes me feel like we're treating them as a bother instead of the blessing they are.

(explain what you'd like to change or adjust in the FUTURE) In the future, I'd like to encourage you to be more loving with your words and tone. I know your heart. You love kids and parents. That's why are you serving. I think sometimes it just gets lost in translation when you are under stress.

If you'll allow me, I'd like to invest in you and help you improve your people skills. I have a great book that has helped me that I'd be glad to share with you. I'd also like to spend some time with you in the next few weeks working on this.

Try using this approach when your next difficult situation arises. It will give you confidence going into the conversation.

Monday, December 17, 2012

16 Signs Kids love coming to our church

Have you created an environment where kids love coming on weekends? Here are some signs that they're lovin' what you're doing. These are things you will see kids doing and hear about from their parents.
  1. They wake up their parents on Sunday mornings...excited about going to church.
  2. They invite their schoolmates to come.
  3. They sing the songs from church during the week.
  4. They line up early to get in.
  5. You hear laughter in the hallways.
  6. You see lots of smiles.
  7. They actively participate in the service/classroom.
  8. New families with kids show up and say their heard about the church from friends.
  9. They talk about a specific leader they have connected with.
  10. You can hear them singing through the walls at church.
  11. They tell their parents what they learned on the way home...without mom and dad having to ask.
  12. They get upset when they can't attend.
  13. You can feel the energy in the hallways. When kids and parents walk in, they sense something different about the atmosphere.
  14. They answer "yes" when their parents ask if they had fun.
  15. Your attendance is growing.
  16. They keep coming back.

How many of these are you experiencing?
What adjustments or steps do you need to make to accomplish this?
What are some other signs you would add? Would enjoy hearing your feedback in the comments section.

One of the coolest moments I've experienced in Children's Ministry happened a couple of months ago. I was walking through one of our environments and noticed that a little girl was crying. I went over to see what was wrong. With tears flowing she said, "Mom said it's time to go and I don't want to leave!"

I didn't want her to be upset, but what she said was music to my ears!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

When DISASTER happens

The news coming out of Connecticut is devastating to all of us. How could such a horrific thing happen in our country, in a school just like the ones the kids in our ministries attend? I'm sure you have lots of questions, just like I do, but as we try to figure out pieces of this tragedy, we must remember that the children we minister to have heard this news, also. They will have a huge array of reactions. Some will be scared to the point of nightmares. Others will hardly pay attention to it, because it doesn't feel real. Most of the kids, though, will take this like everything else new they are experiencing and learning-with lots of questions as they process it.

Below you will find some things you may want to consider as you prepare to be with our kiddos this weekend. There are also some helpful websites. Spending some time thinking through how you are going to handle this unique situation will prepare you to lead as God would have you.

1. Listen.

If the kids want to tell you what they heard about the killings in Connecticut, then let them put it into words. As they voice what is bouncing around in their heads, it's a good step in bringing some order to their thoughts. It will also make you aware of any misinterpretations or false information.

2. Pray.

Listen first, so you have a reading on what the children are feeling. Then, go to prayer-fervent prayer of humility. This is the perfect time to teach kids that we start out praying. It's not our last resort. As a group, begin praying today for the families and the other kids at the Connecticut school, and continue to pray for them in the weeks ahead.

3. Talk in small groups.

The emotion of a large group, as kids fill in the details they have overheard, can cause more harm than good. This Sunday, it would be wise  to talk with small groups of children in an orderly fashion. This will also give more children the opportunity to speak their thoughts.

4. Allow them to be sad, or mad, or angry.

If squelched now, those feelings will find a way to come out eventually. Acknowledge that this incident makes us feel a lot of different ways. God is not afraid of our emotions-He made them for our benefit-and they have their time and place.

5. Be truthful. Don't pretend to have all the answers.

You don't, so be authentic with the kids and admit that you're working through this along with them. Tell them how your heart was crushed and your eyes welled with tears when you heard what had happened to these children.

6. Give short answers.

As a child asks a question, a whole dissertation is flashing through your mind. Keep your answers very short, because that's really what they want at this point.

7. Don't displace your reactions on the children.

Children easily pick up drastic reactions, comments, and emotions of people they look up to. Be cautious with what you say, in front of them or what they may overhear.

8. Assure them that you will do everything in your power to keep them safe.

All the safety measures that you have in place are because you love them and want them to be safe.

9. Watch for children who display extreme anxiety over this incident.

You see children in a different environment than parents normally do, and kids' church may be the place where anxiety is more easily noticeable. Don't hesitate to talk with a parent in private if a child is displaying reactions far beyond what the other children are.

10. Remind them that this was NOT from God.

Help kids understand that there is evil in the world, and it was that evil that brought this about.

Know that I will be praying for all of us this weekend as we minister to the precious children God has entrusted us with.
-Love you all, PT.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Info to appreciate and love on your fellow team members

Here's the best way to contact eachother along with our birthdates and ways we love to be appreciated!

Serving Area: Check In

Name: Alicia Chastain                    Birthday: August 25

Phone Number: 317-750-6718                    do they text? yes    

Email:                                Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            email              Next best way: text

Best way to appreciate them: time together


Serving Area: Check In

Name: Greg Rogers                        Birthday: November 8

Phone Number:  765-326-0022       do they text? yes

Email:                 Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: call

Best way to appreciate them: just a thank you!


Serving Area: Check in

Name: Shelly Rogers                       Birthday: October 10

Phone Number: 765-326-0034                    do they text? yes    

Email:                Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: fb

Best way to appreciate them: childcare so her and her hubby can go on a date


Serving Area: Check In

Name: Abi Rose                   Birthday: June 18

Phone Number:  765-891-1737                   do they text? yes    

Email:                 Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: email

Best way to appreciate them: pedi/mani


Serving Area: Check In

Name: Jeff McNew             Birthday: December 16

Phone Number:  765-891-8096                   do they text? yes    

Email:                       Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: email

Best way to appreciate them: just thanking him


Serving Area:  Check In

Name: Shauna Cole                       Birthday:  March 27

Phone Number:  765-891-0473                   do they text? yes    

Email:               Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text or fb                    Next best way:  email

Best way to appreciate them: manicure/pedicure, reececups



Serving Area: Nursery-toddlers

Name: Holly Honeyman                 Birthday: January 18

Phone Number:  317-418-8598                   do they text? yes    

Email:                  Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: fb

Best way to appreciate them: coffee gift card or coffee date



Serving Area: Nursery-Toddlers

Name: Karen Andrew                    Birthday: October 5

Phone Number:  765-482-3443                   do they text? NO

Email: NO EMAIL      Are they on Facebook? Yes

Best way to contact them:            Facebook                 Next best way: Home phone

Best way to appreciate them: Starbucks, yojoy, candles, lotion, Abuelos, Applebees


Name: Laura Garn
Birthday: June 10
Phone #: 317-796-8525 - I do text.
I am on FB.
Best way to contact: e-mail 2nd best: text
Best way to be appreciated: a couple hours of childcare :)


Serving Area: Nursery

Name: Danielle Allen                      Birthday:  December 2

Phone Number:  765-336-1173                   do they text? yes    

Email:                    Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            Text                 Next best way: Email

Best way to appreciate them: Time Together





Serving Area: Nursery-Infant

Name: Debra Culley                       Birthday: May 5

Phone Number:  765-483-0258 home                   do they text? yes    

Email:               Are they on Facebook? Not often

Best way to contact them:            cell 317-600-5811 text                      Next best way: email

Best way to appreciate them: speedway card, yo joy



Serving Area: Nursery-infant

Name: Megan Woodard               Birthday: February 26

Phone Number:  765-891-0582                   do they text? yes    

Email:                       Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: call

Best way to appreciate them: Mexican dinner date together or Mexican gift card, movie gift card for her and her husband to go on a date


Serving Area: Nursery-Toddlers

Name: Jill Dale                     Birthday: May 21

Phone Number:  765-336-1781       do they text? yes    

Email:                      Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: fb

Best way to appreciate them: a&w rootbeer, trip together to hobby lobby


Serving Area: Nursery-infant

Name: Antonio Sheets                   Birthday: July 4

Phone Number: 765-336-9669                    do they text? yes

Email:                               Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: Le Ann Sheets 765-336-1978

Best way to appreciate them: outback gift card, coke, ding dongs


Serving Area: Nursery- toddlers

Name: Christy Fisher                        Birthday: January 20

Phone Number:  765-336-9410       do they text? yes

Email:                       Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: email

Best way to appreciate them: iced tea, walmart gift card, candy, dinner date



Serving Area: Nursery-toddler

Name: DJ Spears                 Birthday: August 5

Phone Number:  317-667-3188                   do they text? yes    

Email:                  Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: fb

Best way to appreciate them: time together


Serving Area: Nursery- infant

Name: Debra Cully              Birthday: May 5

Phone Number:  home phone 765-483-0258                  do they text? Yes at 317-600-5811

Email:               Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            texting number                     Next best way: home phone

Best way to appreciate them: m&m’s, cherry pepsi, tgifridays gift card


Serving Area: Nursery-toddlers

Name: Christen Quellhorst             Birthday: April 18

Phone Number:  765-894-7399                   do they text? yes    

Email:                  Are they on Facebook? NO

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: call

Best way to appreciate them: ice cream date



Serving Area: Nursery-infant

Name: Carrie Miles              Birthday: May 17

Phone Number:  765-481-5210       do they text? yes

Email:                        Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: fb

Best way to appreciate them: time together



Serving Area: Nursery-toddler

Name: Tonya Watson                      Birthday: July 23

Phone Number: 317-752-6913                    do they text? yes    

Email:                 Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text/call                     Next best way: email

Best way to appreciate them: time together


Serving Area: Pre-K

Name: Ashton Sheets                     Birthday: February 19

Phone Number: 765-376-5790        do they text? yes

Email:                                Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: fb

Best way to appreciate them: time together



Serving Area: Pre-K

Name: Tonja Padgett                      Birthday: September 30

Phone Number:  317.410.2634                    do they text? Yes    

Email:                  Are they on Facebook? Yes

Best way to contact them:            Text                 Next best way: Email

Best way to appreciate them: text or email to let her know we’re thinking of her



Serving Area: Pre-K

Name: Katie Garvin                        Birthday: July 10

Phone Number:  765-894-2263                   do they text? Yes

Email:                 Are they on Facebook? Yes

Best way to contact them:            Text                Next best way: Email

Best way to appreciate them: Sour Patch Kids




Serving Area: Pre-K

Name: Nancy Woodruff                 Birthday: May 19

Phone Number:  765-652-2436                   do they text? yes    

Email:                  Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: fb

Best way to appreciate them: diet pepsi, hot chocolate



Serving Area: Pre-K

Name: Ashley Bostwick                  Birthday: October 8

Phone Number:  765-336-4226       do they text? yes    

Email:                Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: fb

Best way to appreciate them: a hug, time together



Serving Area: K-2nd

Name: Alisha Wallace                    Birthday: August 17

Phone Number:  765-366-9414                   do they text? yes

Email:                    Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: email

Best way to appreciate them: diet coke, old navy gift card


Serving Area: K-2nd

Name: Stacy McIntyre                    Birthday: February 15

Phone Number:  765-481-7142                   do they text? yes

Email:                   Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            facebook      Next best way: text

Best way to appreciate them: walmart gift card, pepsi, chocolate, fruity candy


Serving Area: K-2nd

Name: Scott Trafford                      Birthday: May 23

Phone Number:  765-894-2355                   do they text? yes    

Email:                Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: fb

Best way to appreciate them: milky way candy bar


Serving Area: K-2

Name: Katie Yonts               Birthday: December 31

Phone Number:  317-902-2252                   do they text? y        

Email:             Are they on Facebook? y

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: fb

Best way to appreciate them: time together, texts, mail, Mexican dinner date


Serving Area: 3-4th

Name: Le Ann Sheets                     Birthday: September 6

Phone Number:  765-336-1978                   do they text? yes

Email: AND             Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: BOTH EMAILS AT SAME TIME

Best way to appreciate them: gift card to Lee Nails


Serving Area: 3-4th grade

Name: Amanda Shue                     Birthday: March 4

Phone Number:  765-336-9109                   do they text? y

Email:                      Are they on Facebook? y

Best way to contact them:            email              Next best way: text

Best way to appreciate them: diet pepsi



Serving Area: 3-4th

Name: Becca Sheets                      Birthday: September 22

Phone Number:  765-336-1379                   do they text? Yes    

Email:                  Are they on Facebook? Yes

Best way to contact them:            Text                 Next best way: Email

Best way to appreciate them: Starbucks date



Serving Area: 3-4th

Name: Tia Corbett               Birthday: December 17

Phone Number:  765-491-9945                   do they text? yes

Email:               Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: in person

Best way to appreciate them: frozen yogurt date, kitkat



Serving Area: 3-4th

Name: Rachel Wells            Birthday: October 23

Phone Number:  765-336-9472       do they text? yes

Email:                          Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: fb

Best way to appreciate them: reeses pieces, mt dew, o’charleys gift card


Serving Area: 3-4th

Name: William Cummings              Birthday: August 13

Phone Number:  765-481-8641                   do they text? yes    

Email:                                   Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them: text                            Next best way: call

Best way to appreciate them: candy bar


Serving Area:  3-4th grade

Name: Wendy Smith                       Birthday: May 24

Phone Number:  765-891-1955                   do they text?            Yes

Email:                  Are they on Facebook? Yes

Best way to contact them:            Text                 Next best way: FB

Best way to appreciate them: time together


Serving Area: 3-4th

Name: Zaria Souders                       Birthday: September 23

Phone Number:  765-481-7409                   do they text? yes    

Email:                   Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            text                 Next best way: call

Best way to appreciate them: time together






Serving Area: Greenhouse

Name: Pastor Tiffany Koehler                    Birthday:  November 26

Phone Number:  765-418-4132                   do they text? yes    

Email:                    Are they on Facebook? yes

Best way to contact them:            email              Next best way: text

Best way to appreciate them: Mani/Pedi gift card, Yo joy date, note card with appreciation