Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Kids hate church!

Check out this article I found!

The kids at this church were asked to draw a picture of their favorite part of the service. It is obvious this child didn't like attending.

What causes kids to hate attending church?
  • Lessons that are not age-appropriate.
  • Sssshhhhhh!!! Sit still and be quite!!!
  • Long services.
  • Lessons that are not relevant to their life.
  • Teachers who do all the talking in class.
  • No one knows them personally.
  • Music that is too "babyish."
  • Music from 1950.
  • Leaders and parents whose lives during the week don't match their lives at church.
  • A church environment that feels like school aka "Sunday School." The last place they want to be on Sunday is where they have been all week.
  • Being stuck in a room that was decorated by adults for adults.

Do you agree with these?
Are there any you don't agree with?
What are some other factors that can cause kids to hate church?
What about you? Did you grow up in church or remember going to church when you were young? What did you like or not like about it?
For me, I remember it was ALL about having fun---going and doing as many events as they could pack in, and playing as many games as they could when we gathered together. We definitely had a fun time---but it's not the fun that got me where I am today--it was God's truth that I got through other avenues, but not my kids or youth ministry.
We, in the Greenhouse, want to make sure that the kids are in a SAFE AND FUN PLACE WHERE THEY DISCOVER GOD. Where they want to come back because they feel loved, built relationships, and love Jesus a little more than when they came.

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