- Renting a VHS tape and getting ticked off because the previous person didn't rewind it.
- That video games can be fixed by just blowing into them.
- The frustration of driving to Blockbuster to rent the movie you want to see and finding out all the copies are rented out.
- That cell phones are the size of bricks.
- Not being able to walk around while you are on the phone because you are tied down by a cord.
- Having to look in a book to find out the answer to a question.
- Having to use a TV Guide to know what's on TV.
- Having to use a paper map to find a location.
- How to memorize a phone number.
- That having a pager makes you feel important.
- How awful it was when someone taped over a show you had recorded on your VHS tape.
- That cereal isn't cereal if it doesn't have a prize at the bottom.
- An annoying squealing sound when you connect to the internet.
- How to use a World Book Encyclopedia.
- Having a watch that is also a calculator.
- Having to wait for your favorite song to come on the radio.
- Saving information on a floppy disk.
- Using a phone booth.
- Getting up to change the TV station.
- Fixing a cassette tape with a pencil.
What else do they not know about? Add to the fun by sharing below.