Monday, March 24, 2014

Is a Child Ready to begin a relationship with Jesus? What about being baptized?


One of the most exciting times for a parent is when their child starts asking questions about beginning a relationship with Jesus.

It can also be a challenging time as parents try to decide if their child is really ready to make this decision or not.  And many times they will come to you for help.

They will ask questions like...
"How old should my child be to make this decision?"
"How do I know if my child is ready or not?"
"Should I let them pray the prayer of salvation or have them wait?"

So how do you tell if a child is ready to begin a relationship with Jesus?  Here are 3 indicators I tell parents to watch for.

#1 - The child knows what sin is. 
Before a child (or anyone) can enter a relationship with Jesus, they must understand why they need a relationship with Jesus.  They must understand what sin is and that they have sinned.  If a child doesn't understand this, then they are not ready to step across the line of faith.

#2 - The child initiates the conversation on a regular basis. 
If a child continues to initiate conversations about accepting Jesus, then that is a good sign that God is working in the child's life.  The Holy Spirit convicts and draws people...including kids.  There is no "Jr. Holy Spirit."

#3 - The child knows they "need" to do this vs. the child "wanting" to do this. 
There is a difference.  There is a difference between "I want to do this because my friends are" or "I want to do this because it's fun" and "I need to make this decision" or " I need to do this because I want Jesus in my life."
How do you know if your child is ready to be baptized?
#1 - Understand WHY we get baptized.
People of all ages need to understand that at Freedom, we do not believe that it's the act of being baptized in water that "makes" you saved. What makes you saved is the prayer of asking Jesus in your heart and confessing it with your mouth. Baptism is following Jesus' example and publically showing everyone of the commitment that has been made to live a life for Him. It's accountability and a chance to shine your light and tell your story of how God has changed you and how you want to live a life for Him.
Our next baptisms at Freedom are coming up the weekend after Easter, April 26/27 during all services. If your child has accepted Jesus in their heart and understands what baptism is and you feel like now is a good time, than come see Pastor Tiffany for more information or email her at or call into the office 765-482-7220.
This year, we are recording videos of those being baptized so everyone can hear and see them telling their story of why they are being baptized. We are recording these videos immediately following each service through Easter weekend. You will need to choose which service you or your child is going to be baptized (offered during all 4 services). We will be giving you a shirt to be baptized in on that day and ask that you bring a towel and extra change of clothes. Also, don't forget to INVITE family and friends to join you for this special day!
We love seeing how God is changing your kid's lives.. THANK YOU for allowing us to partner with you to make Jesus irresistible to kids!
-Pastor Tiffany

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

6 Simple Reminders for Engaging Kids in Conversation

If you are in #kidmin or work with children in any capacity, then you talk to kids all the time. As you "talk" with kids, don't miss opportunities to engage them in a deeper conversation. Here are 6 simple reminders for engaging kids in conversation from Henry Dutton. Henry is a CentriKid camp director who excels at training camp staff & modeling how to have intentional conversations with kids.
  1. Call children by their names. This is very important because it communicates that you care. For all of us, our name is one of the best things we like to hear...its how we are wired.
  2. Ask open-ended questions (about family, friends, interests, school, etc.). If they can shake their head or answer yes/no to your question, then you won't go very deep with this conversation.
  3. Ask appropriate personal or spiritual questions. Too many times, adults shy away from asking kids personal questions. Remember, kids don't have the same awkward filter that adults they are happy to answer personal questions and talk about spiritual things.
  4. Share appropriate personal stories with kids. It can be a big relief to find out someone they look up to has been through the same thing. The story can help solidify the point you are making with them too.
  5. Strive to be honest, genuine, and caring. If we are genuine with kids, we model how they should be when they grow up. They will begin to reciprocate that genuineness now, and it can become a part of all their conversations.
  6. Have fun! Smile! Strive to foster a responsible sense of childlikeness. It’s okay to be a big kid and express to a child that you enjoy hanging out and chatting with them!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Captivating, Powerful Video

It's a great reminder to look at people through the eyes of Jesus.

What does it mean to see people through the eyes of Jesus?
What are some things that hinder us from seeing people as Jesus sees them?
 How can we be more intentional about seeing people as Jesus sees them?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Tuesday with Tiff: It's all about the kids

TRUTH ABOUT SERVING IN THE GREENHOUSE: It's a great place to meet and make friends!

TRUTH ABOUT SERVING IN THE GREENHOUSE: It's a great place to build on those relationships!

MYTH ABOUT SERVING IN THE GREENHOUSE: It's a great place to meet and make friends and build those relationships WHILE serving.

We are a team and it's our goal that we build relationships with those that we serve with and do life together. But when we are serving, we are ON.

What does that mean? It means once that pre-service meeting is over, it's go time! It's no longer about us. It's not about us making friends or building those relationships. Our focus, attention, and energy transfers over to the kiddos in the room.

When those kiddos enter the room, it's about them... their safety, if they're having fun, if they're discovering Jesus, and if they are building relationships--with others and with YOU!

If you are focusing on interacting with another leader in the room then you are missing out on a great opportunity to love on the kids, to help them feel accepted and to build trust with you... a chance for them to see Jesus through you!

I like to use the "20 second" rule. If you find yourself talking to a team member more than 20 seconds than that means you are having your focus gone for far too long on the real reason you are there to serve.

But Pastor Tiffany, I joined a serving team so I could meet people and make friends. GREAT! I want you to and I want those to build and grow. But that can happen in the context of a lunch or play date outside of service or being in a small group together or communication throughout the week.

Once you step onto the playing field, so to speak, it would be so beneficial for you to back each other up and look out for each other to make sure each other's focus is where it's supposed to be.

From infants, toddlers, preschoolers, to 4th graders: each area has a great opportunity to make the most of the opportunities God is bringing your way to reach these kids.

It's usually a good rule to be on the kids level---height I mean. If you serve with toddlers, sit on the floor with them. Did you catch that? With THEM. Play and engage with the kiddos. That's a perfect time to get to know them, encourage them, and be Jesus to them. Do what you can to stay away from just sitting there, engaging in conversation with fellow team members. It's not about them.. it's about the kids. It's about fully giving your attention to the kids.

Same thing with 4th graders... when they are spending time together in pre-service activities, what a FANTASTIC time to engage them.. to play with them.. to be silly with them.. to build that trust and relationship with them where when they leave, they can't wait to come back because they want to see YOU. They invite their friends because they want them to meet you--cause you're just so cool!

For 5 years I was a nanny to 2 kids, Alex (now 9) and Charlotte (now just shy of 6). One day, Alex was off to school and Charlotte and I were playing in the living room. Well, Charlotte was playing and I was probably surfing facebook on my phone. Something that she said to me has stuck with me ever since. Simple really but so eye opening. She came up to me and said, "Tiffy, be with me." I said, "I am with you Charlotte." She said, " No. Be WITH me." Wow.

Here I am in the room with her but not engaging her.. doing my own thing.

We are missing the mark and the goal of what God wants us to do if we aren't WITH the kids.

We have an incredible opportunity to see these kids grow... to help them get closer to God each time we are with them... So many people who come to Freedom are newer to a relationship with Christ. What an amazing opportunity we have to show and tell these kids about Jesus NOW... at a young age!

So remember this the next time you serve... it's all about the kids.